Skamokawa News
MUCH WETTER--Compared to the week before, this past weekend was much wetter. In spite of some sunny times, the rainy times definitely made their presence known, as it would absolutely come down in buckets, which pretty much destroyed what flowers I had left out there. Oh well, I got to enjoy them longer than usual, as it often pours just before Memorial Day. With our parched lawns, fields and forests, it was actually a good thing to have them watered down a bit.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from June 14-20 are Mike McLaughlin, Robert Montgomery, Gina Robbins, Kelsey Briscoe, Amy Horman, Kylee Souvenir, Lacey Vik, Sarah Phillips, Shane Kehrli, Mike Paulsen, Jr., Delores Wages, Brienne Howell, Megan Vincent, Krista Fritzie, Lore Twiet, Nikolai Almer, Keith Hoofnagle, Dean Snyder, Karen Blain, Dawn Wika, Tyson Clark, Monica Frank Gaillard, Billie Bardsley, Jerry DeBriae, Sandra Hess, Bailey Pedersen and 67'er Noni Gilbertsen Meredith. Belated birthday wishes go out to Vail St. Vrain and Sherollin Powell. So sorry I missed your special days!
Celebrating their anniversaries this week are Stewart and Ginger Moonen, Stevan and Kathleen Morgain, Steve and Debbie McClain, Calvin and Cindy Grasseth, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Watkins and special wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powell, who celebrated their 50th anniversary recently. Enjoy your special celebrations everybody!
Also, it looks like we have another couple to add to the anniversary list, as the wedding of Mike Carroll to Lori Martin took place this weekend at the home of his daughter, Theresa (Rick) Kuljus in Skamokawa. The couple shared their vows with family and friends, amidst the many beautiful flower arrangements in the Kuljis home, so they had a very nice, intimate wedding. A hearty congratulations to the newlyweds!
NEW BABIES-- Gwen (Good) Ronninghaug, formerly of Cathlamet, and husband, Arve, were made grandparents again last week, when they welcomed a new grandson, Marvin into their family. So, it's a hearty congratulations to them on their fifth grandchild, and to their son, Jan Erik and his wife in Norway on this latest addition to their family.
Former Island girl, Lori Wika was posting pictures of her new grandson, Meyer Hudson Grantz, this past Monday, as he was born to daughter, Kahli Grantz (Joshua) and joins a sister, Summer. Here's to all the proud parents and grandparents of these two latest babies. Congratulations to you all!
TODAY--June 14, is "Flag Day." While this day was celebrated by many throughout the years by many people, it wasn't until Pres. Woodrow Wilson officially recognized the anniversary of the "Flag Resolution of 1777" on May 30, 1916. Still, it wasn't until Aug. 3, 1949, when President Truman passed an Act of Congress to designate June 14 as "National Flag Day," did people truly get into the spirit and make the red, white and blue colors of our nation's flag, fly high and proud throughout the land.
FRIDAY MORNING--You're invited to come by the rose garden at the Julia Butler Hansen home, where the Cathlamet Woman's Club will plant a rose bush, honoring their 2017 Citizens of the Year, Ralph and Helen Keyser. If you're new to the area, the JBH home is located at the junction of Cathlamet's Main Street and Butler Street, with the gardens at the back of the house. All friends and family members of the Keysers are urged to attend and the public is invited as well.
THIS IS IT--GRADUATION TIME--For the Wahkiakum High School Seniors, it's time to say good-bye to their high school years this Friday evening, June 15 at 7 p.m. It's time for them to spread their wings, take flight and soar into the future and we wish them all the very best in the years ahead! Congratulations & Go Mules!
TSUGA GALLERY/MOVIE--If you don't plan on attending the WA-KI-HI school graduation on Friday night, there will be a Father's Day evening celebration at the gallery from 5 to 7 p.m. Also, the usual Free Friday Movie and popcorn event will be held at the Community Center at 7 p.m., which is right down the street, so there are several things happening this Friday in our area!
CELEBRATED--There were four WA-KI-HI "kids" that graduated from Central Washington University this past weekend, and I'm proud to say, my grandson, Austin Good was one of them. The graduates and guests were graced with a sunny day last Saturday in Ellensburg, so that was great and everyone was all smiles as diplomas were handed out in an outdoor setting. Besides Austin, Zach Calvert, Mason Mackey and Shane Souvenir graduated from CWU as well, and they just happened to be long time friends, classmates and in some cases, teammates too. A very hearty congratulations to all these boys. Everyone is so proud of you!
SPECIAL GRADUATION--Former residents and neighbors, Randy and Susan Kuhn celebrated the graduation of their daughter, Anna, from Astoria High School this past Saturday. It was made a bit more special when a niece of theirs, Arianna Nelson, did the artwork that was on the graduation program. Congratulations to Anna, as she's certainly come a long ways from that little freckle-faced girl that I first met down at the Skamokawa Store!
SATURDAY/HORSES--If you're a horse lover, you'll want to head to Skamokawa this Saturday morning, as part two of the Silver Buckle Series will take place at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds. Sign ups begin at 9 a.m., with the show taking place at 10 a.m., so good luck to all those involved in this series.
FATHER'S DAY--This Sunday, June 17, is Father's Day, so "Happy Father's Day" to all of you out there to which this day applies. We hope you're able to have a special day with that special person and celebrate it to the fullest, as tomorrow is never guaranteed so it's best to grab each opportunity to show those special people in your life, how much you appreciate them. Whatever your plans are, here's hoping they all turn out great and you have a wonderful day! Remember, our local businesses will only be in business if they continue to get some of ours, so we hope you'll take that into consideration when planning your Father's Day outing this year.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS-- Just a quick reminder that the Community Vacation Bible School starts this coming Monday, June 18 at the Heritage Bible Church, located at 193 North Welcome Slough on Puget Island. Registration starts at 8:45 with the times of 9 a.m., until noon, Monday through Friday. This VBS is for children, grades Kindergarten-5th grade. Call Cheryl at 509-378-1188 for more info.
LAST PROM--It seems hard to believe, but Pete and Katie Sechler took part in the very last Ballard High School Prom Night this past Friday. It is the beginning of the empty nest syndrome for the couple, as their youngest, Luke Sechler, will be graduating from BHS this coming Monday, June 18. Along with several good friends, Luke, along with his date, Ruby, got all dressed up this past Friday night for this big occasion where they all met at one parents' very large house, took a lot of pictures, and enjoyed lots of appetizers and a full sit down dinner along with all their parents, so that was quite a unique Prom experience.
It's hard to believe my youngest grandson will be graduating soon and headed to Washington State University in the Fall, along with his sister, Tessa, who will be a Senior there this year. All I can say is: "Watch out Wazzu!"
GREAT CELEBRATION--A former WA-KI-HI classmate, & 67'er, Sherrolin (Mace) and her hubby, Jack Powell were able to gather a little early to celebrate their 50th anniversary, as when you're dealing with a couple of dozen family members, one must be able to celebrate when the time comes that they can all be together at the same time. So, with their four kids and 14 grandkids all headed their direction this past weekend, I'm sure they had a wonderful time and would have those cameras ready for this great photo op. We all know the challenges of getting everyone together. Congrats on the happy celebration, Sherrolin!
FOS--Before feeling sickly and having to stay home, I did manage to make it to the River Life Interpretive Center in the Redmen Hall/Central School building, and checked out the artwork by some of our area's students. In case you didn't know, the students drew/sketched pictures of people and places, that had a historical impact around the PNW from actual photographs of them. This made for a unique opportunity to see how the students visualized their subjects and how they were able to carry that through to their artwork. I was truly impressed by some of their works and it's obvious that we have some very talented students in our area. Kudos to all of them! Remember, the hall is open Thursday through Sunday from noon to four so hopefully you can check it out. More info? Call 360-795-3007.
Speaking of the Friends of Skamokawa, don't forget that they will have their big, yearly fund raiser on the second Saturday in September, and would appreciate your help in making this Wine Tasting/Auction another huge success. Your donation, whether it be monetary or an item for auction is tax deductible. There have always been some wonderful items donated by many generous people, so it is hoped that everyone will once again, so now is the time to get your thinking cap on, and plan for making yet another great donation to this really fun and very worthwhile event. Mark September 8 on your calendars today!
KITES ARE COMING--If you like huge kites shaped like cats or dogs or even dragons and teddy bears, you'll want to head to Skamokawa Vista Park next Saturday, June 23, and check out all the wonderful kites that will be flying that day! This is the second year that they will be in town, and we'll hope for another sunny, breezy day like last year, as it was just perfect in the afternoon to get them all up in the air, and see lots of various shapes and sizes of kites. Vendors are welcome too, so call the office at 360-795-8605 to get the scoop on that.
Remember to stop by the Ship Channel Coffee trailer, operated by the Port, while you're down there and pick up a speciality coffee or espresso or smoothie, etc. They also serve up scones and a few other food items. They are already open seven days a week with an 8 to 1 p.m., time on weekdays and 7 to 2 p.m., on weekends.
67'ers WILL GATHER--Once again, the WHS Class of 1967 will gather after the Bald Eagle Day Parade at the home of Dale Jacobson, where we have a potluck lunch. This year, we have an opportunity to "cruise the Columbia" while we eat, so if you're a 67'er, please get ahold of me, or Dale, and find out all the particulars about this ride. This will take place on the afternoon of Saturday, July 21, so please spread the word to all the 67'ers you know!
CHANGES FOR S.O.N--There have been a couple of changes made to the Sons of Norway's schedule next month, as their monthly meeting at the Norse Hall, which usually falls on the first Wednesday of the month, would have landed it on July 4, so obviously that wasn't going to work out, so it will be held on the second Wednesday, or July 11 at 7 p.m. Also, bingo will be held on the third Saturday in July, so mark your calendars down for bingo fun at the Norse Hall, 6 p.m., on July 21!
FAIR TIME--As we are already in the middle of June, it's only a couple of months until the Wahkiakum County Fair will take place, so it's time to think of what you can enter into the fair this year. Remember to check the fair books for those entry dates, as many things like animals and special exhibits, have earlier time requirements, so don't miss out; get those thinking caps on today and we hope to see your photos, veggies, baked goods, flowers, art work, jams and jellies, sewn and quilted items and more, at this years' fair: Aug. 16, 17 and 18!
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