Down River Dispatches
I escaped the heat and traffic of good old California, with my niece and great niece last Sunday and arrived to cooler and damper surroundings that evening. It started raining off and on in Eugene but stopped as we arrived in Grays River. It is so good to be home.
It was a busy few weeks, but this proud grandmother wouldn’t have missed the three graduations and one promotion to high school for the world. Oh yes, and a 50th birthday for my son. I guess I should start feeling old, but I’m just not ready for that yet.
Though I am home, it is only for a few days and I will not have a column in the paper for two weeks as my two sisters and I will be traveling to Minnesota to move our brother out here to live. Should be a good time for the four of us, and an additional resident to Wahkiakum County.
News from Naselle:
My congratulations to the Class of 2018 on their graduation. The last day of school will be Monday, and students will be released early. Here’s to a fun filled and safe summer vacation to everyone.
The treasure hunt at the Naselle Timberland Library is still ongoing until Saturday, June 23. Bring the kids and find all the hidden treasures, and they will win a prize. This event is part of the Summer Library Program.
Westend news:
Wahkiakum County has some fun and unusual events planned for the next few weeks. On the weekend of June 23 and 24 you can bring the family for the Skamokawa Vista Park Kite Festival. It should be a fun time for all.
Are you a fan of cowboy sports? Here’s your chance to sit in on the Challenge of Champions Tour of Professional Bull Riding. On July 20, they will be performing at the Wahkiakum Fairgrounds in Skamokawa. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. with the event hosted by the Wahkiakum Fair Foundation. Sounds like a really fun event for the whole family.
Now that school is out, the kids are home and the West End Food Pantry is available to help out those families who need it with nutritious snacks and easy meals during the break from school. The pantry is open on Thursdays in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park 1-5 p.m. They can always use items such as peanut butter and jelly, canned raviolis, canned meats, Rice-A-Roni, boxed cereals, juices, etc., in order to stay ahead of the extra demand during this time of the year.
Strawberries? Local, certified organic available from our very own organic farm in Grays River. Full Flats are $30 and half flats are $18. Call Veggie Girls at 360 465-2168 to place your orders.
Happy Birthday to the following this week: Alan Bennett, Ashley Hendrickson, Selena Colombo, Rokey Scott, Blair Brady, Greg Wirkkala, Bryon Saari and Leon Gollersrud. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Paul and Nikki Footh, Steve and Gayle Gacke, Bob and Rosalie Eaton, Ben and Kristen Gross, Doug and Shannon Tetz and Tim and Martha Tienhaara. Here’s to many more celebrations.
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