This week the Grays River Valley Center would like to recognize a board member. Shonda Ware and her family.
Shonda has been a rock to the Center and the Food Bank for over three years. Shonda is president of the West End Food Bank and is there every Thursday from 1:00-5:00 p.m., unless she has an emergency, which is rare. Shonda is also Vice-President on the board of GRVC. Shonda is available for every event the community center has. Her family is right there supporting her. Wes Ware and Heath keep the lawns mowed and maintenance of the building and are always there to lend a hand when something needs moved or unloaded. Cricket, Kathren, and Tori have helped at a lot of the events whether it be cooking or unloading supplies. Rebecca and Maggie have helped serve and clean. Jim is always there to help unload and also helps at events doing all of the dishes. Willie keeps everyone entertained. The center is truly blessed to have the Ware family as part of it. I appreciate everything they do. The time they just have to come to the center and get to enjoy it, is rare. I am glad they can come and enjoy the center for a family birthday party or just to come and enjoy the facility not just work there all the time. Thank you so much from the Grays River Valley Center.
The sewing Room hours are on Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Also we have new library hours: Tuesday through Saturday Noon-4 p.m.
The Grays River Valley Community Center is for everyone, we enjoy seeing the activity and the facility being used. Remember the center is open to the public Noon-4 p.m.
Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the library, the exercise room, the gym, or the activity room where there is a pool table, a computer for public use, as well as the computers in the library. Also many VHS movies to watch, and DVD's. Along with board games etc. If you would like a sponsorship this gives you access to the Grays River Valley Center 24/7.
The library will be closed Saturday for the Father's Day, come and have Father's Day Breakfast from 7 a.m.-Noon, enjoy the time with family and friends and the community center.
Thank you for your support.
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