To The Eagle:
Response to article written in The Eagle June 7th, 2018, “PUD studying benefit, cost of water main work.”
This article explained how the Wahkiakum PUD would go about repairing the water line that is attached to the bridge to Puget Island.
I find it incredible that they, the PUD, would go to great lengths to not inconvenience those of us that live on Puget Island. I want to thank you for putting us first in this project and every project you undertake.
However, we are currently being trained in the art of understanding how to live with little inconveniences. For the next year or so, it will be a little difficult to get on and off the island, sometimes, it will be impossible. With the training we are currently receiving, I feel it would be acceptable for you to turn off our water for a time to make the necessary repairs. A day or night without water will not be anything more than an inconvenience for most of us. With proper warning, we should be able to adjust to life without water, at least I can.
I would rather go without water for a day than “incur a rate increase or surcharge” as Mr. Tramblie suggests. I agree with Commissioner Healy when he said, “Raising those water rates is not an exciting thing for me.”
The PUD has a long history of going the extra mile to give us, their customers, the best possible service. Those of us that have lived on the island since the 90’s can recall the constant power outages caused by the underground main line. The PUD replaced the entire line and now it is very rare that we ever have an outage. We are also provided very good water and water pressure by the PUD. You don’t have to look very far (Longview, Salem) to see that not everyone is able to turn on a faucet in their home and know that the water that comes out is clean and safe to use.
If you agree with me, that the right way to repair the water main is to shut off the water to the island, please tell the PUD that you do.
Steve Sharp
Puget Island
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