Washington State Department of Transportation
SR 409 Puget Island Bridge painting and deck replacement work is progressing.
This week, contractor crews with Royal Bridge, Inc., will continue sandblasting old paint and rust off the steel structure before applying primer and several coats of specialty bridge paint.
Crews are currently scheduled to sandblast and paint seven days a week, during daytime hours. The work is weather dependent and could be rescheduled because of rain or strong winds. Sandblasting and bridge painting work is scheduled to continue into early next year. During the work, traffic on both directions of the SR 409 Puget Island Bridge will alternate through a single-lane of the highway around-the-clock.
Work to replace the old timber bridge deck is scheduled to begin in July. During the work, overnight closures of the bridge will be needed while crews remove the aged timber decking and install a new deck. These total bridge closures will occur 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Sunday through Thursday.
Both lanes of the highway will be open beginning at noon July 3, through noon July 5 in observance of the Independence Day holiday. Both lanes will also be open the weekends of the Puget Island Garage Sale and Bald Eagle Days.
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