Down River Dispatches
Well, I made it to California last Thursday in 11 hours, visited a few minutes with family, and slept a few hours. Got up on Friday and drove to Corning to spend the night in a motel 30 minutes from Chico where my granddaughter’s graduation took place at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Hot and blinding sun in the stadium. It is always so satisfying to see your grandchild completing a task that they chose for themselves. Madeline Nicole Fredrickson will be teaching Math at a middle school in Chico next year.
This week will be a full one. My son will celebrate his 50th birthday on Friday and his wife is surprising him with a golf outing where his two brothers will show up to play a round with him. They haven’t seen each other in nearly two years. Then a surprise party in the evening. Should be fun.
On Saturday, my grandson graduates from high school and is valedictorian, as well as several other well deserved accolades. He will be attending UCLA in the fall majoring in Aeronautical Engineering. This is one proud Grammie.
News from Naselle:
Congratulations to the Comet Track Team for all their hard work and wishing them much luck as they travel to the State Track Meet this weekend in search of a state championship.
Congratulations as well to all the other teams for an inspiring year of sports. Go Comets! You make us all proud!
As the school year winds down, some departments have the opportunity to showcase the successes of a year of studies. The music department will host its annual Spring Concert on Wednesday at 6 p.m., featuring students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
After many hours and sometimes years of practice, the audience will be treated to a pleasant evening of music and entertainment culminating another year of music in one form or another. Bring the family and let these students know you enjoy their many talents.
Students will enjoy a long weekend this week in order to celebrate Memorial Day. They will return to class on Tuesday. Have a safe holiday.
The Appelo Archives Center and the Cafe have new hours of operation. The museum will be open to the public Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Cafe will be open Wednesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Their number is 360 484-7103.
Westend news:
Here’s a great way to enjoy a delicious breakfast and support the military men and women who protect our freedoms, local veterans, our community and youth groups. Bring the family to the annual American Legion Deep River Post #111 Memorial Day Breakfast this coming Saturday, 8-11 a.m. at their new location, the Rosburg Community Hall in Rosburg.
The menu includes all you can eat pancakes with a side of ham or sausage and eggs fixed the way you like them, with coffee, orange juice or milk. The price for adults and teens, $6, and for children 3 to 12, $4.
The Wahkiakum Lions Club is offering locally grown, fresh, cleaned and sliced strawberries with no sugar added, all ready to preserve. Orders must be paid in advance. The final order date is June 9, and orders must be picked up on June 16, at 10:00 a.m. at your selected pick up point, Rosburg Store, Wahkiakum High School parking lot or Skamokawa Grange parking lot. For more info or to place an order please call 795-3337 or 849-4003. Proceeds will be used for sight conservation, local scholarships and eye exams.
Are you looking for a way to help others in our community? Are you a good listener? The Charlotte House is looking for volunteers to answer the Crisis Hotline. If you think this is something you would be interested in doing, please call 360 795-6401.
Happy Birthday to the following this week: Marc Gacke, Debbie Lopez, Darian Jacot, Linda Cary, Bryan Penttila and Kaisa Saari. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to Billy and Lois Bighill. Here’s to many more celebrations together.
This weekend our country will celebrate a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered. Many families have sacrificed a family member over the years and these men and women should be thanked and remembered for their ultimate sacrifice.
Our freedoms are precious and without those military men and women protecting our country, who knows where we would be?
I would like to personally acknowledge and thank those service members who died protecting us and to thank all those who are still actively protecting us. Thank you for your service.
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