The hounds will be running on Puget Island this weekend at Misty Rivers Plantation, 117 Cross Dike Road. Actually, it will be more than just hounds – the events will be AKC Coursing Aptitude Trials, knowns as CATS, which are open to all breeds and mixed breeds. There are two types of runs: Fast CATS is a timed 100 yard straight run. Times are converted to MPH, and dogs are given handicaps by size. Regular CATS is a run chasing the lure on a random track around the ten acre coursing field, and is a judged event. On both Saturday and Sunday dogs will run Fast CATS in the morning and Regular CATS in the afternoon.
The events are open to the public, admission is free, and dogs are welcome as either spectators or contestants. Running starts around 8:30 a.m., and runs to completion with a break around noon for a potluck lunch. Competing dogs may be entered in the hour prior to both morning and afternoon runs. Parking for spectators is on the lawn along the driveway in front. Restrooms and some handicapped parking are available on the coursing field in the back.
The event is sponsored by the Willamette Valley Basenji club and sanctioned by the AKC. The next lure coursing meet will be June 9 and 10 and will be for registered sight hounds only. Call Judy Brawn for information on entering mixed breed and non-registered AKC dogs.
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