Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Port board considers marina parking issue

The three big topics at the Wahkiakum County Port 1 commissioners meeting last Thursday were parking, the farmers market and how to get the dredge out of the water.

Because of scheduling conflicts, the meeting was held a week early.

When fishing season kicks in, the usually empty parking lot at the marina becomes a kind of free-for-all. Single vehicles take up spaces intended for trucks and trailers. Cars get blocked in by trucks and trailers. Trucks and trailers get blocked by cars.

“Boating is a screaming sport,” Commissioner Scott Anderson said.

So it is with the parking.

In order to combat the problem, port staff have been considering some different options. They presented a possible new parking design to the commissioners.

“I think it’s a good start. Got to try something,” Commissioner Brett Deaton said. The other commissioners agreed.

With their dredging window behind them for now, the port wants to get the dredge out of the water and have it repaired, pressure washed, and painted. One bid for crane work came in over $6,000, so the commissioners turned their focus to trailers.

“We’ll start looking and getting some prices and information, some bids, some specs on it,” Port Manager Jackie Lea said.

According to Administrative Assistant Mackenzie Jones, plans for the farmers market are coming along well.

“We’ve got music,” Jones said, “and lots of our local vendors will be there.”

She and Lea asked if they might purchase a utility trailer to store the market equipment, which will include tables, signs, and more. The commissioners gave the okay.

In other news, the commissioners agreed to support the Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments Economic Development District with a $1,000 in-kind donation.

“I think it’s a good idea,” Commissioner Bob Kizziar said.


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