Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Golf team members act bravely at accident

To The Eagle:

I am less cynical than I was just a few days ago.

While my wife and I were on a trip for medical purposes to a hospital several hundred miles away, one of my young ones called using a cell phone.

As a result, I heard first person what was taking place on the highway east of town literally seconds after a major crash [April 19]. What I heard, though frightening, was also encouraging.

Apparently rumors have already started to swirl in town that a bunch of teens had engaged in reckless driving. This inaccurate assessment was patently untrue. Such a rumor must have come from someone accessing a radio scanner. Shame!

The stationary school vehicle driven by Coach Nick Vavoudis was struck from behind by an adult driver. The young people on the golf team acted in such a manner that should make us all proud. The seniors seem to have taken the lead in getting everyone who could be moved out of the SUV. There was fear of an explosion due to the ruptured gas tank with Coach Vavoudis trapped in the vehicle. The young people had the presence of mind to turn off the ignition lessening the possibility of a fire.

I could hear the older players reassuring everyone and maintaining calm. They behaved admirably despite being subjected to some unpleasant events, even after the initial crash. They were the true heroes that day.

Their concern for Coach Vavoudis was obvious. I pray for his speedy recovery.

Coach Vavoudis should be commended for building a team whose members performed as champions in a tough situation.

We can all learn from the Mules golf team. I have great faith in the future of these young people.

Tom Shofner

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