To The Eagle:
Personally I do not like property taxes! Seems to me like a discriminate tax. That said, I like all the benefits it helps to pay for, schools, sheriff, roads and so on. I don’t really like any taxes, but also know it takes a community bucket to fill, in order to have what we all like.
Lately, there has been a piling on, of our County Assessor Coons, bordering on the ugliness, that seems to be a norm these days, sadly! Jesus was scorned for dining with a tax collector, I (not to be confused with Him) would be happy to go to a barbecue with Bill Coons. Last assessment, I too felt my assessment was high, to which I pursued my options with him. I was helped by Colleen to make the right appeals, and did get it lowered. I had hoped it would go away, but realized I needed to pay my fair share, so I did.
Bottom line for my letter, is to say: Lighten up everyone, property taxes are here, probably to stay. So go through the motions, if you feel it’s unfair, then show where and how it’s not right, I believe if you work with the system, it may serve you well, it did for me, even though taxes didn’t disappear.
Thanks Bill Coons, for taking all the …. being pitched. Keep up the good work!
Poul Toftemark
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