Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Another writer unhappy with county assessor

To The Eagle:

I want to add my comments regarding Mr. Coons, the Wahkiakum county assessor. As did others, I often found him disrespectful and rude.

Example 1: I was disconcerted when I noticed a man, whom I did not instantly recognize as Mr. Coons, uninvitedly walking around my house and peeping into windows. In view of the rescued dogs/goats/cattle that roam freely on my fenced land, I informed him of the inadvisability of appearing without notice on my property and stated that with notice, he would have been welcome. He in turn strongly insisted on his right to inspect property.

Example 2: When I confronted Mr. Coons about his purchasing, shortly after his election, office chairs (n=3) that cost us taxpayers approximately $400 each, he rebutted that I did not have to vote for him. Mr. Coons: Thy will be done! With respect to what he calls a “moekki” - an exceptionally nice new house built fewer than the legally prescribed 50 ft from the bank of the slough: On the assessor’s webpage, the property (ID 2739) is listed as belonging jointly to him and his wife: Mirjami Laukkanen et vir (legal for “and husband”). If Mr. Baccellieri is correct that none of the requisite permits/inspections were obtained before the start of new construction, I invite local officials to look into that matter and let us know whether laws apply to all or only some of us.

Irrespective of their findings, I will vote for Mr. McClain and ask that you do so as well!

Ursula Petralia



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