To The Eagle:
Bill Coons, Wahkiakum’s assessor running for re-election, gave a rather detailed defense of his evaluation of Ms. Hamp’s mobile home property (March 29, 2018 edition), but his closing argument fell flat when he exclaimed, “In fact, a MH on land in the Elochoman sold late last year for $245,000!”
Anyone familiar with the valuation and property appeals system would know that the cut-off date for comparable market value sales for the 2017 tax year would be December 31, 2016. According to my research, the sale with which Mr. Coons sought to discredit Ms. Hamp and bolster his own figure occurred on December 4, 2017, nearly a whole year after the allowable time period. It would be disqualified if used to determine market value of another property. One could also question whether these properties have much in common, especially in age and location.
If you think I am just nit-picking here, I would say the devil is in the details when it comes to assessing property. Tax payers ought to question the accuracy of an assessor, who was a former realtor and a BOE member, when he tries to prove he is right with facts that don’t follow the prescribed procedures of his own office.
Karen Cressa
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