To The Eagle:
This morning my wife showed the Easter cartoon you ran in The Eagle, to me and asked if I was offended. After reading the cartoon I laughed because the sleepy character in the cartoon was me. She has elbowed me on numerous occasions in church to wake me up. On one occasion she even threatened to walk out, if I ever snore. If Jesus, his disciples or his teaching had been the brunt of this joke I would have been highly offended.
The sad part of this joke is that the church has been sleeping while prayer, Bibles, Christian values and common sense, have been removed from our schools and government and replaced with political correctness. In spite of what people, who claim to be Christians do, the fact that the Bible teaches truth and doing to others as you would like people to do to you, is a solid truth and one of the principles our country was founded on. The Bible teaches: Someday everyone will stand before the Supreme Being of this universe and give an account for all of the things they have done in this life. Jesus is coming again. Are you watching and waiting for him?
Eugene Freed
Puget Island
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