To The Eagle:
I can't believe the comic you ran in last week’s paper during the most holy week for Christians.
This hurtful inappropriate piece of not at all funny trash depicting Christ at Gethsemane with his disciples.
Let me point out that the paper came out on the same day Christ would have been at Gethsemane, a peaceful place which is where Jesus spent the day before being crucified. Is there anyone except a hateful person who find that funny or appropriate before Good Friday and Easter Sunday?
There should be letters of outrage to the paper about this from all local clergy but I bet not and that is why Christians are treated so poorly because the clergy sits on their hands and won't fight outrages like this aimed at Christians.
Shame on The Eagle, please don't try to explain, just apologize to those you offended.
Paul Schreiber
Editor responds: I looked at the cartoon and thought, “What does this mean for me?” It made me ask how many present day disciples, including me, fall asleep when they should be listening. I thought it was a good message. --Rick Nelson
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