Washington State University is bringing the third of five candidates for a new position as elk hoof disease research leader to Olympia for a public presentation today (Thursday).
The presentation is set for 9 a.m. in the South Puget Sound Community College Lecture Hall, Room 105, 2011 Mottman Rd. SW, in Olympia. The Lecture Hall building is designated as #26 on the SPSCC Olympia Campus map that shows limited parking availability.
The map is available at https://spscc.edu/sites/default/files/imce/about/maps/SPSCC-Campus-Map.pdf .
The candidate, David S. Miller, is currently a contract wildlife veterinarian, the principle veterinarian for Azura Consulting, and is a consultant and auditor for the Scientific Advisory Committee, Zoos and Aquariums, for the American Humane Association. He earned a doctorate in clinical sciences from Colorado State University in 2010 and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1992. Dr. Miller is also double board-certified in zoological medicine and animal welfare.
Dr. Miller’s talk is entitled, “Elk Hoof Disease: Navigating Biological and Sociological Complexities.” Following his presentation, there will be time for a public question and answer period as well as an opportunity to speak with the candidate.
In 2017, the Washington legislature passed and funded legislation designating WSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine as the lead organization for finding potential solutions for elk hoof disease. The disease can cause profound lameness, sloughing of the hooves, and eventually death of affected animals. Nearly $1.52 million was provided to the college for establishing the new program.
The research program will involve collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), the Washington Department of Agriculture, Native American tribes and other national and international agencies that can lend expertise and field activities relative to elk ecology and well-being.
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