Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Writer supplies list of sources for information

To The Eagle:

Showered with approbation as both “humorist” and “knowledgeable correspondent” in last week’s letters to The Eagle, and despite detecting a strong thread of sarcasm, we humbly thank both contributors, and respond to Elizabeth’s request for lists of sources and achievements: In print, National Review and The Weekly Standard are usually reliable, though NR has been a bit grumbly since the Trump ascension, and over at TWS, editor Bill Kristol seems to be afflicted with a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome which has affected his staff.

On the airwaves, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Levin are available locally on KEDO 99.1. They tend to be accurate but occasionally overzealous. Down in Portland on 101.1, Lars Larsen is particularly outstanding on local and regional issues. On the internet, both Google and Yahoo have succumbed to the left’s conquest of education and information sources. Wikipedia is pretty reliable for names, dates, and other hard fact, but you have to be alert for editorial bias. A lot of the original anti-Trump campaign was put on fake Facebook accounts by Russian-controlled bots, so if you’ve been on Facebook, Elizabeth, you may indeed have subscribed to Russian media.

As to TV, I gave up on it half a century ago after “the most trusted man in America,” Walter Cronkite, misled us so egregiously on the Viet Nam War, though in recent years, Fox News has done a creditable job. For science and medicine topics I recommend the monthly newsletter Access to Energy, available from Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine, Box 1250, Cave Junction, OR 97523, $35/yr. For philosophical and ethical concerns, read the monthly publication Imprimus, from Hillsdale College, 33 E. College Street, Hillsdale, MI 49242, available free of charge.

There is a good summary of Russian shenanigans/FBI - Justice Dept-DNC corruption in the latest Imprimus, and an excellent article about Trump’s year of achievement by historian Victor Davis Hanson in the February 5 National Review. I’ve sent copies of both articles to Elizabeth Cornett and James Roberts. Anybody else wants one, gimme a call at 431-4123.

Howard Brawn

Puget Island


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