To The Eagle:
As in the old Indian fable of the six blind men examining the elephant, public awareness has been growing about a political scandal brewing that inundates the old high-water mark set by Nixon’s Watergate. In a nutshell, Hilary and the DNC spent $12.5 million through a firm called Fusion GPS, and a retired MI6 spook named Steele fabricated a salacious dossier on Trump which was then used to mislead the FISA Court to issue a warrant to spy on first the Trump campaign and then the Trump presidency. The Mueller Russian collusion investigation was then launched to take down Trump but inadvertently exposed malfeasance by Hilary, Obama, DNC, and numerous high officials in the Justice and State Departments, FBI, and intelligence community.
So, it turns out that a lot of the juicier criticism of Trump was made-up stuff, Russian collusion was by Hilary and DNC, not Trump, and Trump was dead-on right about fake news. Two really scary things, though: First is that one political party weaponized large swaths of the government to use against the opposition party – this is third world stuff. Second, the mainstream media has not reported, or has mis-reported, much of this, worst offenders being CNN and MSNBC.
President Trump has turned in a spectacular first year despite pusillanimous progressives and recalcitrant Republicans, without resorting to illegal means like Obama did after his “I have a pen and I have a telephone” tantrum in 2014; but mid term elections are 10 months away, and Trump will be under siege if the Republican (slim) majority is lost and obstructionists Pelosi and Schumer become the majority leaders. There is entertainment value in the few liberal rants and occasional trashy Associated Press political releases appearing in this newspaper, but seeing a diatribe that gets the facts totally wrong side out, like the one emanating from Rosburg that appeared in these pages last week sparks an overwhelming urge to set the record somewhat straight.
Progressives live with the constant fear that somewhere, somehow, there is someone having fun. We don’t want their dystopian view to spread enough to spoil Trump’s swamp-draining spree.
Howard Brawn
Puget Island
P.S. An email from a reader of The Eagle forwarded to me points out an error in my last letter: One county’s timber did escape the clutches of the DNR but it was Grays Harbor, not Pacific. HB
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