Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Guidelines for letters to the editor

Letters To The Editor

The Eagle welcomes letters to the editor, with a preference for letters addressing issues of local interest. The following guidelines apply:

1. Letters are preferred typed and double spaced.Optimum length is 1.5 pages double spaced or 3/4 of a page single spaced, or 300 words.

2. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s printed name, address and telephone number. Anonymous letters will not be published.

3. Letters should address issues and refrain from personal attack or character assassination.

4. Political or election-based letters will be run until the week prior to the election.

5. The editors and publisher reserve the right to edit any letter and to reject any letter. Editing is done to protect the interests of The Eagle.

6. Views expressed do not reflect those of the editor or The Eagle Staff.

7. No poetry.

8. No debates of religious dogma.

Letters may be submitted through email, but please include address and phone number so that we may verify the sender. Email to


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