Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Pacific County collecting taxes

To the Eagle:

After reading the reactions about the proposal to sell cannabis in the Rosburg Store, I'm very disappointed in the board of commissioners of Wahkiakum County Fire District No. 2's logic when they opposed the application. They stated that the store is near a park and a school bus stop, and felt commercial activity at the store could create dangerous traffic situations.

I'm curious if the reaction would be the same for selling alcoholic beverages. I assume the previous versions of the Rosburg store sold alcohol. Also, I recall seeing a liquor store very close to a park in Naselle, I wonder how many dangerous traffic situations that has created?

The biggest disappointment is the implication that everyone who uses marijuana drives while under the influence. With that logic, everyone who uses alcohol must drive drunk. This is just plain silly.

As a Westend resident, I would love to be able to keep my money in the local economy and buy both my medicinal and recreational cannabis near my home. Seems like I'll need to keep driving out to Long Beach and help Pacific County line their pockets while creating jobs.

Tanny Glover


Editor’s note: Last week’s edition incorrectly stated the proposed location of the store; it would be in Grays River, not at the old Rosburg Store.


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