To the Eagle:
Last Thursday, a week ago, was a landmark day for us. We spent a lot of it driving up and down SR4 and I-5 listening to a cascade of breaking news on radio stations from Longview to Portland.
Domestic news: Unemployment at historic lows; minority unemployment at lowest ever since record keeping began; female unemployment at a 17-year low. Stocks market at record breaking highs; 81 Fortune 500 companies giving large bonuses to all employees; Amazon to build new $30 billion campus; Apple repatriating $250 billion from overseas – will pay $38 billion tax on it. Oil drilling to commence at ANWR after 30 year delay; War on Coal is over; energy sector booming.
International news: Embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in keeping with 1995 promise; Rocket man making cooperative overtures about Olympics to South Korea; murderous theocracy in Iran is embattled and demonstration leaders thank U.S. for support; Ambassador Haley put U.N. on notice for shabby treatment of Israel. All of the foregoing results from policies of or promises by President Trump.
At the end of the day we got home and opened the Eagle to find a letter from J.B. Bouchard reassuring us that our president is indeed a disaster, a security risk, and unfit for office.
Makes sense to me.
Howard Brawn
Puget Island
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