Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Fair Turkey Bingo at Wendt Multi-purpose room on Friday

Skamokawa News

IT'S WET & WILD!--Here we are, heading into the third week of November and it's wet and windy and very fall-like. I hope you all survived the wind storm that hit Sunday night and part of Monday. We lost power, but I was totally expecting that, but still, we soon realize how much we enjoy having it! Thanks to the PUD crew for their hard work in nasty conditions. This is another one of those tests for all of us; were you ready? Alternate heat source or power source? Food stocked up? Did you have your outside ready so that things weren't flying into your neighbors' lawns or windows? Again, while it's calm, take stock in what went wrong or could be improved upon, as it's not even winter yet; so get ready!

THANKSGIVING--We have often seen some really nasty weather during the Thanksgiving holiday, which happens next Thursday, and have even lost power a time or two, and flooded as well, so if you want to err on the side of caution, be sure to be ready for just about anything as the holidays approach us! If nothing happens, that would be great, but better to be prepared for anything! I'll say Happy Thanksgiving now, as some folks who get The Eagle live further away and might not get the next edition prior to the big turkey day, so I hope you all have a great day with friends and family!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Nov. 16-22 are Rory Heywood, Jody Havens, Samantha Havens, Brian Havens, Tanner Collupy, Mathew Bennett, Susan Prestegard, Misty Holland, Hap Anderson, Dean Seaberg, Heidi Souvenir, Linda Ashe, Gunner Blix, Jessica Wright, Kyle Parker Jr., Katie Watson, Toni Below, Layton Elliott, Harvey Good, Kylian Cochran, RJ Miller and Erik Pedersen.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Cathy and Roy LaBerge, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Poppe and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tomlinson. Here's hoping you all have very special birthday and anniversary celebrations this coming week!

CONGRATS--There's also a new anniversary to add to my list as former resident and sister-in-law of mine, Kari (Good) Claussen married Tony Martin this past Thursday, so a hearty congratulations to the happy couple!

CORRECTION--TURKEY BINGO ON FRIDAY--It sounds like there's going to be some great prizes for the upcoming Fair Board Bingo, which is happening tomorrow night, Friday, Nov. 17 beginning at 6 p.m., with doors opening then and games begin at 6:30. I believe I mentioned earlier that it was on Saturday, the 18th, but that was not correct. Here's hoping you can make it to the multi-purpose room at the J. A. Wendt Elementary School in Cathlamet and maybe win yourself a turkey for Thanksgiving! They will also have raffles going on, so here's to a fun evening and maybe you'll win a prize or two besides the turkey or ham.

MOVIE--The Free movie at the Community Center in Cathlamet will take place at its usual time of 7 p.m., on Friday. I have no information as to whether this is a kid friendly movie or not, but you can always stop by the center and check it out. The free movie also comes with free popcorn or you can bring your own snack.

AT THE GRANGE--Also happening this Friday evening, is the Skamokawa Swamp Opera's CD release taking place at the Skamokawa Grange Hall located at 18 Fairgrounds Road. This event begins at 7 p.m.

Also, the Sk. Grangers want to remind you that they meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and they now hold their meetings at 5:30 p.m. According to their schedule, their next meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 21. Everyone is welcome to attend.

A COUNTRY CHRISTMAS--It's time for the one day only annual St. James Christmas Bazaar this Saturday, Nov. 18 from 10 to 4. There is food to eat, and musical numbers for entertainment, raffle baskets and lots of vendors, so this is a great place to do some shopping before the big holiday crunch comes along! One of the big treats for the kids is the "Christmas Store" where kids, 12 and under, can shop with one of the Christmas helpers and can buy up to five gifts for their family, and none of them cost more than a dollar, so a really neat shopping experience for the kids. Proceeds from this event benefit the Children and Families programs sponsored by the St. James Family Center.

FOS--Have you ever been up to the River Life Interpretive Center/Central School/Redmen Hall during the holidays? No? Well, I truly hope you can head up that way the day after Thanksgiving and check out the hall in all of its holiday splendor! November 24 begins the Friends of Skamokawa's "Deck the Halls" Holiday Open House, and it's truly a wonderful time to pick out unique gifts from the wide array of vendors that are always there. It is amazing to see how many talented people we have in our area, as they showcase their wonderful handmade products, like jewelry, soaps and jams and such, to their artistry, with wonderful drawings, painting and photography and more, so come up to the historic building right in downtown Skamokawa and take in all the magnificent scenery from the windows, along with the beautiful items within. It's always wonderful to receive a local, unique item. More information needed? Call 360-795-3007.

THINKING OF THEM--I got word that my cousin Donna (Healy) Palmer wound up making a trip to the hospital recently, so we wanted to send some get well wishes to her and we hope and pray for her recovery. Also, a prayer request has been made on behalf of Bob Hendrickson, so please keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.

SYMPATHIES--My apologies for not mentioning the passing of Alex Allenback last month. We send our deepest sympathies to his widow, Gladys, his son, Alex Jr. and to his daughter and our neighbor, Vicki, as well as his other family members. Our condolences to all his family and friends.

MAIL EARLY--I'd like to remind everyone that the United States Post Office gets very busy this time of year, so the earlier you can mail packages to loved ones, the better chance you have of getting them there on time. If you are mailing packages overseas, then you definitely need to get those out first, so either right after Thanksgiving or the first of December would be very wise. While I have mailed things a couple of weeks in advance, and they've made it, I've also had things arrive closer to New Years Eve when I waited, so to ensure a timely arrival, mailing early is always the best idea!

EARLY DEADLINES--Don't forget: with Thanksgiving next Thursday, it means that all columnists will be turning in their articles early. If you want me to include something in my column, please call me by Saturday as I will be trying to get my article in quite early so that those who do all that editing and typing, won't get swamped with all the last minute entries! Those who are putting in ads need to have their items in even earlier, by tomorrow Nov. 17.


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