The Department of Ecology is seeking public comment on the Town of Cathlamet’s proposed update to its Shoreline Master Program, which applies to about 3 miles of Columbia River waterfront along the Elochoman Slough and Cathlamet Channel.
The deadline for comment is Nov. 30.
The Shoreline Master Program hasn’t been modernized in more than 40 years and includes updated goals, policies, regulations, environment designations, and administrative provisions that are locally tailored to reflect current conditions and community vision for future shoreline use and development.
The updated master program prioritizes water-oriented uses, habitat protection, public access, and ecological restoration and allows for legal existing uses and structures to continue.
The public has until 5 p.m. Nov. 30, to comment. The department will then study the proposed program and compare it to the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act and the Shoreline Master Program Guidelines. Based on the comparison, Ecology will decide whether to approve the program as is, approve it with recommended changes, or send it back to Cathlamet with required changes to meet statutory and rule requirements. There are three ways to comment and ask questions by contacting the Ecology Shoreline Planner:
1. Email
2. Call 360-407-6349.
3. Write Washington Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office – SEA Program, Attn: Michelle McConnell, PO Box 47775, Olympia , WA 98504-7775.
The electronic documents out for public review and comment can be found online at
Paper copies are available for viewing, by appointment, at the Cathlamet Town Hall, 375 2nd Street, Cathlamet. Staff contact is Kerrie McNally, clerk, Phone: 360-795-3203.
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