Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Walk 'n' Knock Food Drive is set for this Saturday

Skamokawa News

MIX OF WEATHER--We have had some gorgeous fall days, and we've had some "so-so" ones like this past Sunday, which was cloudy and gloomy and dampish, but it wasn't pouring down rain at least. Monday was awesome but then our temperatures are going to get colder and wetter I hear, so it's just that time of year I guess, so the warm days are probably a thing of the past from now on.

SET CLOCKS BACK--Don't forget, this is the weekend to set your clocks back one hour, so before you go to bed Saturday night, be sure to do that, or you'll wind up really early to church or work and well, sitting in the parking lot for an hour wouldn't be all that fun!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Nov. 2-8 are Brad McNally, Tristan Parke, Greg Parke, Ginger Moonen, Elaine Britt, James Turner, Anna Kuhn, Ryan Vincent, Mary Simpson-Moonen, Pete Cooper, Lisa Robinson, Mitchel Vik, Gary Quigley, Ashlynn Grasseth, Aubrea Helms, Nathan Takko, Marsha Souvenir, Jessie Hoven, Diane Tischer, Carol Carver, Nicole McKinley, Charlie McClain, Skip Irving, Phil Corbin, Starla Hanson, Patty Hosley Shanahan, Linda Spieth, Elizabeth Davison and Chris Bernard. May your birthday celebrations be memorable.

Those celebrating anniversaries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wika, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dickson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wegdahl. Enjoy those special days!

57'ERS MEET--The WA-KI-HI class of 1957 met last week for one of their luncheons, at Parker's Restaurant in Castle Rock. This makes for a good central point for those coming from different directions. Attending on Oct. 26, were Bob Backman, Billie Jo (Bain) Dunn, Jean (Olson) Horman, Ron Baker, Sylvia (Shuley) Luton, Carol (Severson) Hadley, Frank Pedersen, Karen (Anderson) Healy and spouses and friends as well. Sylvia's brother, Ron Shuley, was their out of town guest that day.

LEFSE TIME--Starting today, Thursday, Nov. 2, the Norse Hall will be abuzz with the makers of lefse, and this is your chance to learn how to make it. Jan Silvestri, acting president of our local Sons of Norway lodge, tells me that they will be there making and baking lefse beginning at 9 a.m., and continuing until around 3 p.m. They will be doing this on Friday, Nov. 3 as well. There will be other Norwegian goodies there for sale, like Krumkake, Fattimann, Spritz & Sandbakkels, but the big sale day is Saturday, Nov. 4, and they will be open from 10 to 3. These things are just a must for your holiday doings, and you can take home the plain rounds of lefse and make up the lefse the way you want it, or the ladies will be putting in the butter, sugar and cinnamon for you, and sell it to you, ready to eat! It's so good and I just know your family would love to see all of these treats on your goodie table along with those pumpkin pies this Thanksgiving. So, come on out and learn how to make lefse and get your Norwegian pastries while you can! For more information, contact Jan at 360-431-1705.

FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL--Congratulations to the Mules for their great win last Friday night at their home game against Toutle Lake, which then sent them into a crossover game this Friday against Rainier, WA. By beating Toutle, they got the home advantage and will be playing at home once again, so here's to the mighty Mules and may they come away victorious this Friday night. Go Mules!

WALK ‘N' KNOCK--In spite of what the Chamber calendar says, the Lions Club Walk ‘n' Knock Food Drive is indeed, this Saturday, Nov. 4, so please have a bag of your non-perishable items ready for the drivers that will be running around picking up food this Saturday. If you'd have that ready early, and even set it out on the porch, weather permitting, that would be great! Carol McClain explained to me that they had thought about having the food drive a week later than usual, thus the incorrect date on the WCC calendar, but with so many things going on, it was better to have it on the first Saturday of the month as usual. Here's hoping they get a lot of goodies for those in need, which can be anything from soup to Spam and everything in between. Sorry, but no home-canned goods can be accepted.

GRANGE MEETING--All of you Skamokawa Grangers are reminded that this coming Tuesday, Nov. 7, will be the meeting where the Election of Officers will be held, so you are urged to attend this meeting. The Skamokawa Grange is located at 18 Fairgrounds road and all are welcome to attend their meetings which begin at 5:30 p.m., and go until 7 p.m.

FLEA MARKET--One of the things that will be going on next Saturday, Nov. 11, is the monthly Flea Market at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds. We hope you'll come down and cruise through the Youth Building which is just packed with items for sale. If you're cleaning closets out before the holidays, maybe you want to sell some things yourself, and you can do that too, as tables are just $10 to rent for the day. This event takes place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. They hope to see you there!

BINGO--Also next Saturday evening, Nov. 11, the Sons of Norway will hold their monthly bingo games at the Norse Hall, so if you'd like to win a cash prize and have some fun with your friends, head over that way. The doors open at 5:30 and games begin at 6, with cards costing $5 each.

TURKEY BINGO--Speaking of bingo, the big Thanksgiving holiday will be upon us in no time. But before everyone sits down to their turkey dinner, why not head to the multi-purpose room in Julius Wendt Elementary School on Nov. 18, and take part in the Fair Board's annual Turkey Bingo? You might just win a turkey or a ham and cut your costs to that big dinner you'll be serving up the following week! I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this later on, but this is just an early "heads up" so that you can round up some friends and have a great time at that event.

NEW--Recently, I got to meet the "new" Kelly at the Community Center in Cathlamet, as Kelly Shumar is taking over for Kelly Patterson as the Community Center Coordinator, so we want to welcome her as she delves into this new position. There seems to be a lot going on at the center, and if you've never stopped by, I would urge you to do so and check out the place. Remember, there's free Friday night movies with free popcorn. Don't forget, there are free computer classes on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 to 2.

RECYCLING--As I dropped off some things at our recycling containers near our local fire department, I noticed that some folks hadn't gotten the memo yet as to how to put certain things in the containers. The WHS Robotics class just had a nice presentation of the do's and don'ts of recycling in an article a couple of weeks ago, so if you can go back and look at that, it will give some great tips. We are all asked that we not include the plastic bags with our plastic bottles or milk jugs, etc., in the recycling bin. Instead, dump them from the bags, directly into the big containers and take your plastic bags home with you. Those smaller grocery bags are accepted at many stores and you can drop those clean bags off at places like Walmart or Safeway, but please do not put them into our recycling bins!

GOOD NEWS--I was pleased to learn that several family members in California were able to escape any of the wildfires that were raging all over the state, so that was good to hear. With my niece's husband, Matthew, posting pictures from Wildomar, it was getting scary close, as evacuations were given in some areas nearby. I also heard from a cousin, Karla Kyle, and all was ok with her and her family, so we'll take all the good news we can get these days!

With a big storm currently battering the east coast, I hope all of your friends and family members who might be living in that area, are doing alright!

SAD TIMES--We were sad to hear of the passing of Angela "Angie" McNally this past week and we offer our sincerest condolences to her mother, Lorraine, and brother, Bobby and her daughter. Sympathies are also being sent to all the rest of her family, which includes my husband Bill's brother-in-law, Jim Blain, as he is Angie's uncle. Jim is married to Bill's sister, Karen, so their kids are cousins of Angie's. Again, our deepest sympathies to all her family and friends on their loss.


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