Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Will young people study history?

To The Eagle:

A big heartfelt thank you to all the athletes and fans that stood for our National Anthem this week.

Now to those that took a knee, you missed an opportunity to stand and show your respect for your fellow Americans of all colors, shapes and sizes.

I, as just one of so many that served our country, remember some of the finest people I served with were Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and Gay. Now ain’t that America?

My greatest concern for our country is that our young people, those that are our future, will not study the history of this great country with all her ups and downs, and conclude how lucky we all are to be Americans.

America is not perfect, but as history will always show, Americans have worked hard to right wrongs over the many years of our existence.

I for one can’t help but believe if you won’t stand to honor your fellow Americans, then you stand for nothing.

This newspaper provides me with a platform to express my views and I have our Constitution and those that defend it to thank for that.

Paul Schreiber



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