The school year is just around the corner, starting Tuesday, September 5. For anyone in need of school supplies, please feel free to call the school your child is attending and they can assist. Also, the Back-to-School events for each school will be an opportunity to pick up supplies. Back-To-School events are on Thursday, August 31, and the times are as follows: Elementary is 6-7 p.m., Middle School is 6:30-7:30 p.m., High School is 9-12 p.m. Thank you to Bank of the Pacific and First Interstate Bank for allowing us to have bins placed in your institutions for donations.
There is a Girl Scout Troop that will be starting up here at the Community Center starting September 7, meeting weekly on Thursdays from 3:30-5:30. If you have a child interested in joining please contact Beth Struntz at 360-200-2434.
Don’t forget about our first Wednesday of every month visit from Goodwill for free one-on-one Computer Classes and Employment assistance from WorkSource. These classes are free, open to the public with no appointment necessary. This month’s classes are on September 6 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Please stop in for any assistance.
Wahkiakum Youth Soccer Registration Forms are now available at the Community Center. Registration and payment deadline is September 8. Information can be found on the Wahkiakum Youth Soccer Facebook page. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jamie Cothren or Nicole Wilson.
We are always looking for new event ideas such as classes, fun activities, or groups. Call me with your suggestions! 360-795-7870.
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