Down River Dispatches
Another incredible Pig Roast/Pot luck and Campout at Poul and Zenaida Toftemark’s. If you didn’t make it, you really missed out. The food was delicious, the music, the games, the karaoke on Friday and Saturday nights, swimming, etc., made for a wonderful family weekend for lots of folks. Thank you to the Toftemarks and all their volunteer helpers. See you next year.
News from Naselle:
The Naselle-Grays River Valley Schools will begin the new school year on Tuesday, September 5. Teachers will be on campus for workdays on August 29, 30 and 31. Time to finish up with school clothes and supplies. Most of the stores have lists of each school's required supplies.
Westend news:
Wahkiakum Vibes will host another open mic music night on August 11 in the Skamokawa Grange Hall #425, 7-9 p.m. and will be followed by a jam session. If you sing or play an instrument you are welcome to sign up at 6:45 p.m. and join in--share your special talent. Or you can just come and enjoy the music.
Refreshments will be available and donations to the Skamokawa Grange are greatly appreciated. For more information please call Jerry Ledtke at 795-3434.
One of the main entertainers with Wahkiakum Vibes is Becky Ledtke. She is a multi-talented lady. Not only does she sing beautifully but she designs, makes and sells gorgeous heavy stone jewelry, is an avid gardener and has been the substitute mail carrier for the Grays River deliveries for the past 18 years.
She will retire from the postal service job after this Saturday's delivery. Keep an eye out and give her a high five for a job well done and tell her we appreciate her. She is looking forward to having more time for her garden and jewelry making. Best wishes, Becky, and thank you.
We seem to be an area with many talented people, including artists, musicians and writers, etc. Another group that is making a name for themselves will be entertaining locally this weekend. Giants in the Trees (Krist Novoselic, Jillian Raye, Eric Friend and Ray Prestegard make up the group) will be performing at Fort George Brewery on August 12 at 8 p.m.
Happy Birthday to Scott Johnson, Michelle Zilli, Kim Tarabochia, Carol Ervest, Cohen Bennett and Alina Ashe.
Happy Anniversary to Greg and Karen Wirkkala and Ed and Amy Hunt.
A special belated Happy 29th Anniversary to a very special couple, Gary and Susan Burkhalter.
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