Down River Dispatches
News from Naselle:
Students in the Naselle schools will return to classes on September 5. The following schedule is for registration of high school students: Seniors will register at 6 p.m. on August 7 and Juniors will register at 7 p.m. on that date. Sophomores will register at 6 p.m. on August 8 and Freshmen will register at 7 p.m. on that date.
Parents or gardians must attend the registration with your student. If you need to make alternate arrangements with Mr. Laine. please contact him at (360) 480-9634, (360) 484-7121 ext. 301 or e-mail
New high school students enrolling, are invited to register 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on August 9 and are asked to bring a transcript with them.
Athletic registration for students in grades 6-12 will run concurrently with high school registration on August 7 and 8, 6-8 p.m., in the Middle School Commons following class registration.
Westend News:
It’s this weekend folks--the most fun weekend of the year in Rosburg and everyone is invited. Poul Toftemark, his wife, Zenaida and their family open their property to three fun filled days of camping, swimming, games, music and good old fashioned family fun.
Poul is roasting an 85 pound pig for the potluck dinner which will be held on Saturday around 3 p.m., or so. When the pig is done.
This year's event will run August 4-6, and camping spots are available by contacting 465-2232. Lots of games, music, swimming, etc., to keep everyone busy every day. I’m told there may even be a band to entertain on the stage.
This annual event is for the whole family, so bring a couple of your favorite potluck dishes to share, your own chairs and beverages of choice, lifejackets for the kids and a good, friendly attitude to Echo Meadows in Rosburg (4491 SR 4 West).
I would like to extend my personal thanks to the Toftemarks for putting on this weekend of fun for our community. I know it takes lots of time, energy and effort to get things just right. When you see our host and hostess this weekend, please be sure to let them know how much we all appreciate them. Looking forward to seeing friends and neighbors.
Okay, folks, we have another blood drive coming up at the Valley Bible Church on Wednesday from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. I realize that there is lots going on at this time of year, but think about taking a few minutes our of your busy day and possibly give someone the gift of life. Blood drives replenish the supplies of our local blood banks and the one here in Rosburg has always been one of the best. There are lots of slots open for donors so let’s fill the calendar up. You never know when you or someone you love will need to be the beneficiary of your generosity.
April Zimmerman is once again providing her famous sliders, as an added bonus. I can say from experience, they are delicious.
Walk-ins are always welcome. You can make your appointment through the Red Cross or by calling Susan Burkhalter at 465-2264.
The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets each week in the Rosburg Hall for a delicious lunch and some socializing with neighbors. Lunch is served at noon.
Sheriff Mark Howie will attend the next Wednesday Senior lunch in the Rosburg Hall to facilitate a discussion on identity theft, fraud and computer scams and hacking. He will be there at 11:30 a.m. before lunch is due to be served, and will also have pamphlets to distribute.
We all know that seniors are targets for scams of all sorts. We need to be alert for ourselves and our neighbors. The information being discussed will aid in protecting some of our more vulnerable community members. Hope to see you there.
On Thursdays, CAP sponsors lunches for seniors at the above location. For reservations please call Denise at 360 425-3430 ext. 259.
Happy Birthday to Joni Mathews, Scott Smith, Annie Strange, Bob Sanders, Michael Colombo, Bob Torppa and Chuck Hendrickson. Wishing each of you a perfect day.
Happy Anniversary to the following couples: Alan and Diane Bennett, Harvey and Jeannine Johnson, Jeff and Amber Eaton and Randy and Emily Lindstrom. Here’s to many more celebrations.
I don’t know about you, but I’m over this hot weather. I'm ready for some rain. Fire danger is at a critical stage right now, with all the dry grasses and brush. Please be diligent with regard to fire safety.
This heat is also hard on our animals and pets. Make sure they have shelter from the sun and fresh cool water to drink.
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