Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Registration starts for Naselle schools, sports

Down River Dispatches

News from Naselle:

It won’t be long now before our kids will return to their classrooms in the Naselle-Grays River Valley high school, and begin another school year. School will start on September 5. In the meantime, every high school student must participate in a designated registration session for their grade level.

Please check the following schedule: Seniors will register at 6 p.m. on Monday, August 7 and Juniors will register at 7 p.m. on that date. Sophomores will register at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8 and Freshmen will register at 7 p.m. on that date.

A parent or guardian is required to accompany students to the high school registration to register during the designated time. If you need to make alternate arrangements with Mr. Laine. please contact him at (360) 480-9634, (360) 4847121 ext. 301 or e-mail

New high school students enrolling are invited to attend between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on August 9 and are asked to bring a transcript with them.

Athletic registration for students in grades 6-12 will run concurrently with high school registration on August 7-8 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the Middle School Commons following registration.

Westend News:

Poul Toftemark is readying the pig to roast, the grounds are mowed and waiting for camping tents, games are being set up so let the fun begin. The Pig Roast/Potluck/Campout is just one more weekend away. Don’t miss this fun, food and game filled, three day event, or you will definitely be missing out.

This year's event will run from August 4-6. Camping spots are available by contacting 465-2232, and the potluck will take place on Saturday afternoon when the pig is roasted, usually around 3 p.m. or so. Lots of games, music, swimming, etc. to keep everyone busy every day.

Bring the family, a couple of your favorite potluck dishes to share, your own chairs and beverages of choice, lifejackets for the swimmers (especially the kiddos) and your happy attitude to Echo Meadows in Rosburg (4491 SR 4 West).

Another blood drive is coming up at the Valley Bible Church on August 9 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Lots of slots open for donors so let’s get the calendar filled up. After donation sliders will be available, compliments of April Zimmerman and they are always delicious.

You can make your appointment through the Red Cross or by calling Susan Burkhalter at 465-2264.

The Rosburg Wednesday Senior Lunch Bunch meets each week in the Rosburg Hall for a delicious lunch and socialization with friends and neighbors. I hope to have the menu by next issue for the rest of August.

Today (Thursday), the CAP sponsored senior lunch menu will include chicken Parmesan casserole, broccoli spears and spinach salad. For reservations please call Denise at 360 425-3430 ext. 259.

Wahkiakum Sheriff Mark Howie will attend the Wednesday Senior lunch in the Rosburg Hall on August 9 to discuss issues and distribute booklets regarding ID theft, fraud and computer scams and hacking. He will be there at 11:30 a.m. before lunch is due to be served. This is good information to have on hand for all of us, and especially seniors.

Happy Birthday to Daniel Holt, Kyryn Jacot, Gene Strong, Shirley Herrold, Ryan Ullakko, Jennifer Boggs, Katie Olson, Alissa Dorman, and Nick Nikkila. Wishing you all a perfect day.

Happy Anniversary to Terry and Kim Tarabochia, Otis and Renee Hunsinger and Nick and Dee Nikkila. Here’s to many more celebrations together.


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