Skamokawa News
NICE WEEKEND--Our heat wave has continued and once again we've had some pretty doggone nice weather with only a hint of dampness last Thursday morning, but by afternoon, the sun was up and shining again and it warmed right back up. The fact that we've had over 80 inches of rain this year, makes it hard to believe that our dry spell has already caused our lawns to turn brown! It has also meant a lot of fires in the Western state, with 70 percent of them being caused by man, so it's truly imperative to be careful with any fire or hot metals or sparking equipment right now, as it doesn't take much to make things "flame on!"
While we had a few clouds come in early Sunday morning, forecasters are saying that we're going to have a nice stretch of weather this week, so it looks like we'll need to keep the sunscreen handy. Thank goodness we have those cool evenings, or our houses would never cool down!
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from July 27--August 2, are Adam Fletcher, Kyier McKinley, Aaron Mahitka, Natasha Twiet, Levi Helms, Sharon Parker, Ebby Blouin, Robert Meyer Jr., Ben Webb, Mike Anderson, Robert Fritzie, Jacob Nelson, Jeff Lundborg, David Black, Jennifer Norris, Betty Huber, Paula Monroe Olson, Hannah Davison, Kay Chamberlain and Jennifer Blain Cochran. Here's hoping all our birthday celebrations are a blast this year! Belated birthday wishes go out to Barbara Brewster and Mariah Dachtler. Hope you both had wonderful days.
Celebrating their anniversaries this week are Tim and Sharon Schmitz, Gary and Jody Havens and Bill and Kay Chamberlain. Here's to good times!
FREE LUNCHES--There are only about 19 days for those who are under 18 to enjoy a free lunch at the J.A. Wendt Elementary Multipurpose room, as this Summer program ends on August 16. Lunch is served Mondays through Thursdays, at noon after summer school, but all those under 18 are invited to come and eat for free. So, if you're hungry, here's your chance to get a bite to eat for nothing and maybe meet with some of your friends or maybe even make some new ones. You can find out more about this program by emailing: You can also call Danielle Hobbs at 849-4313.
TIME FLYING--It seems like we just got into Summer and already everybody has had their summer clearance sales and they've got all the "back to school" items out, complete with lists for what kids need; wow! It seems hard to believe that folks have to think about that already but I know football kids are already getting back in shape and well, I hate to say it, but they will indeed be back in school in about a month. To top it off, if you're a penny pincher, sales grabber and plan-aheader kind of person, you'll know that if you get paid monthly, you've only got five more paydays until Christmas! At any rate, we've got a lot more action going on before that happens, and it's all coming up in the next couple of months. Read on.
WOODEN BOAT SHOW--The Wooden & Classical Boat Festival is next weekend, Aug. 5 and 6, so head to the Elochoman Slough Marina for a good time and check out the classic wooden boats. There will also be food, some arts and crafts booths and a marine swap sale, as well as derbies and games, so have a wonderful time a couple of weekends from now! If you'd like more information, contact the Wahkiakum Chamber office at 795-9996.
BINGO--The following Saturday, Aug. 12, all you bingo lovers will enjoy winning cash prizes at the Norse Hall that evening, as the doors open at 5:30 and the action starts at 6 p.m. The members of the Sons of Norway invite you to come with your friends and have a fun evening at their hall on Puget Island. With its new paint job and windows and such, the building is looking great. It's just south of the Birnie Slough Bridge along SR 409.
BIG, BIG EVENT--It goes without saying that one of our bigger events of the year will take place the following week after bingo, as the 109th Wahkiakum County Fair will open on August 17 and last until Saturday, August 19. This year, the theme is "Denim-N-Diamonds" and is dedicated to Lore Twiet, who has been involved in the fair for decades and was even the fair manager at one time, so she is more than worthy of this recognition.
Earlier in the week, most of the exhibits will be set up and entries need to be all ready to be put in their proper places, so don't forget to check the fair book and get them in during the designated days and times. It's all in this year's fair book, so be sure to check it out and get your items in on the proper day and time.
There will be lots to do at the fair, so we hope to see you there, and don't forget, Kid's Day has been changed to Saturday this year, (instead of Friday) with free admission for those 12 and under. Friday is now Armed Forces Day and Thursday is still Senior Citizen/Red Hat Ladies day, so there should be a day for you. If not, tickets are on sale now for just six dollars but at the gate, they will be seven, which is still a bargain for all three days. Here's to a successful fair once again!
ROADKILL--During the last day of the fair, the Roadkill Saloon will host another type of car show, called "Rat Rodded, Rusted and Underconstruction," so if you've got a vehicile that fits that description, you're invited to participate. Call April for more information: 360-606-0179. (FYI: It's been my experience that I had to put a "1" in front of the area code to get through, as otherwise I got a busy signal.)
CLASS OF 1962--According to Janice Freeman, the WHS Class of 1962 is planning a reunion on Sept. 16 at the Duck Inn. I have no information other than that, as the time had yet to be decided, but if you're in that class, contact a fellow classmate and hopefully someone will have all the details by then, as you don't want to miss out on your 55th reunion!
SYMPATHIES--I received word via Amanda "Punky" Tover, that former resident, Bernice Tover Ellison, has just recently lost her youngest son, Dwayne. He passed away the first week of this month at the age of 60. We want to send her our sincerest sympathies and deepest condolences to her and the rest of her family for their loss. A service will take place for him in Seattle this Saturday, July 29.
HOBIE CATS--I hope you got a chance to see the Hobie Cats that were at Skamokawa Vista Park this past weekend, as they are always something to see, with their colorful sails and their speedy, yet graceful runs in the water. As you may already know, the Hobie Fleet 95, which is based out of Seattle, were here to take part in the "Todd Christensen Memorial Regatta," so named after a well known, and much admired pro in the sport, who died at the age of 52, and who just loved coming here. With a lot of sunshine and wind on Saturday, the group that showed up was once again impressed by our area's wonderful Vista Park area, with its long river runs, currents and tides and ocean going ships, which can present some challenges for the group, which often just race on calmer bodies of waters, like lakes. But this spot is special and well loved by the group who love to come here, and whose trip here this time in honor of their friend, was truly special.
REMINDER--When I was in Cathlamet a couple of weeks ago, I saw four people with their cell phones in one hand and attempting to drive with the other. This is just a reminder to all of you who have been doing this, that a Washington State law was just passed making this act a violation and it will cost you $136 if you get caught, so save yourself some money and just don't do it! Hands-free devices are still acceptable, however.
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