To The Eagle:
A couple of issues ago, a writer closed his commentary with “so far Donald Trump has done more good than harm.”
Well jeepers. Anyone in an executive position whose chief qualifications are a huge ego and TV soundbite literacy can do more good than harm simply by not getting out of bed and call in “stupid” at the office.
Unfortunately, our Incompetent In Chief has indeed been showing up at the office. Let’s have a look at what he’s accomplished.
After signing off on 45 executive orders and presidential memoranda nothing substantial has changed. No significant progress has been made, no profound good has been accomplished. Nary a ripple in the Swamp but for the echoes of lies, excuses and confabulations tweeting in the emptiness.
The illusory president, and make no mistake, it is the mere illusion of a presidency, has so far proven not to be a malign force, or to be capable of exerting any force at all, of leadership, intelligence, or inspiration. Imagination, maybe. About himself. Always, himself.
According to Zachary Karabell of POLITICO, “Donald Trump acts as he did in his previous career, a generator of attention with statements that horrify his opponents even as they exhilarate his supporters, selling himself as a man getting things done but doing nothing, all the while promoting his self image.”
Attempted executive actions against sound policies regarding the environment, jurisprudence, immigration, national security, consumer protection, Wall Street regulation and national health care are all sinking into that blessed quicksand in the Swamp of federal agencies and policies protecting the best interests of the commons of this nation.
By this time in Obama’s first term he’d signed an anti-discrimination law helping women to sue for equal pay, a major expansion of children’s health insurance, an $800 billion stimulus bill that was bigger than the entire New Deal in inflation adjusted dollars; a single bill that included the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan and the largest infrastructure investment since Eisenhower while launching a clean energy revolution, national adoption of electronic medicine and the ground breaking Race to the Top school reforms.
Beware. While we are being distracted by our Buffoon in Chief’s snake oil sideshow, the real monsters in the Swamp are sharpening their knives.
Mitch McConnell ($10 million), Ted Cruz ($3.5 million) and Paul Ryan ($8 million) whose aforementioned net worths remove them from ever caring how much health care will cost you and I, are spearheading the greatest assault against the poor and middle classes ever witnessed; a $700 billion redistribution to be taken from the poorest, to be given to the richest through a scam McConnell calls health care reform and what billionaire Warren Buffett refers to as the “relief for the rich act.” I call it class warfare.
Whether you like it or not, uncle Karl knew best how to deal with such plutocratic thuggery.
JB Bouchard
Puget Island
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