To The Eagle:
I would like to provide some missing content and context to the 6/29/17 article entitled “PUD not interested in water system merge.”
I attended the PUD meeting because I had heard differing accounts of a study conducted regarding the Cathlamet’s water system. I wanted to hear about the study, its purpose and conclusions. The commissioner’s comments in the article were in response to my inquiry. Bob Junger’s comments did not surprise me. He articulately summed up the frustrations I’ve heard from many others.
I explained why I was interested and mentioned my frustration at the sewer rate situation. I believe the current rate/billing structure is unfair and needs to be reviewed and revised. I also believe there are opportunities to spread the costs with additional hook-ups which would lower everyone’s bill.
I mentioned my frustration at the complexity involved in “fixing” the current sewer rate situation which requires expertise in numerous areas not the least of which is rate analysis and development. That is not a negative assessment regarding any member of the town team. The expertise required to correctly manage such a project is quite different from that required to manage and/or lead a town. The PUD on the other hand has the required expertise and available support.
Although the article’s headline states there was no interest on the commissioners’ part, that is not what I took away from the meeting. Instead, I heard a desire to revisit the situation with an interest in discussing both the water and sewer systems. I do not represent the town, but I am very interested in hearing where such talks lead.
Laurel Waller
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