Registration is now open for the 2017 Bald Eagle Run/Walk Challenge. This event has something for everyone – a 10k run, a 5k run, and a 2 mile walk or run. Meet in front of Cathlamet Pharmacy at 8:30 a.m., to register and check-in. The runs and walk begin promptly at 9:00 a.m., and all three of the routes will end back at the starting point. The awards ceremony will be held immediately at the end of the 10K.
The entry fee for the Run/Walk Challenge is $20 and all proceeds benefit the Wahkiakum High School Track and Cross Country Programs. The first 50 registrants will receive t-shirts with their entry.
Entry forms are available at Cathlamet Bank of the Pacific, Cathlamet Pharmacy, and the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce. All forms should be submitted in person before the event. For more information call the chamber at 360-795-9996 or Heidi Heywood at 360-795-3413.
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