Skamokawa News
SO-SO--It depended on where you were this past weekend as to what kind of weather you had. For some, it wasn't a bad day at all, while for others, it was a day of some sunshine accompanied by various rain showers. As we're only a week away from Summer, let's hope we have a bit of a dry stretch so we can put away those umbrellas! If we are to believe the forecast, it's supposed to be nice for this Father's Day weekend, so let's hope that's true.
SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from June 15-21 are Robert Montgomery, Jason Ledtke, Megan Vincent, Keith Hoofnagle, Sarah Phelps, Jerry DeBriae, Deloris Wages, Mike Paulsen Jr., Brienne Howell, Krista Fritzie, Lori Twiet, Bailey Havens, Billie Bardsley, Tyson Clark, Signe Sause, Lori Smith, Bobby Helms, Monica Frank Gaillard, Nikolai Almer, Karen Blain and Rhonda Pedersen.
Celebrating their anniversaries this week are Stevan and Kathleen Morgain, Steve and Debbie McClain, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Grasseth, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Souvenir, Mike and Kim (Nettles) Beaston and Elaine and Phil Rolf. May you enjoy your special celebrations on your special days!
FRIDAY AFTERNOON--Don't forget, Friday Market day at the Puget Island Farmer's Market on West Birnie Slough, as the Stockhouse's and all their vendors will be selling their breads and veggies, cheeses, etc., beginning at 3 p.m.
BOOK EXCHANGE--The Community Center are having their first Book Exchange. It started earlier this week but you've still got Thursday through Saturday to take advantage of this program, which means you can bring a book that you've already read, and exchange it for one you haven't. You can take part in this event at the center on Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m., to 1 p.m., and on Saturday, from 1 p.m., to 4 p.m.
FRIDAY NIGHT--Once again, it's Open Mic Night at the Skamokawa Grange Hall, and you're all invited to come and play your instrument or sing, and put on a show of your talents this Friday night! Doors will open and sign-ups will begin about 5:45 p.m., and the music is set to begin at 6 p.m. It costs nothing to show up and play, again, free is a great thing! This is the third Open Mic Night held at the Grange hall, located at 18 Fairgrounds Road and they hope you'll come and enjoy all our local talent. You can contact Jerry Ledtke with any questions at 795-3434.
SK. GRANGE--Speaking of the Skamokawa Grange, they will have a Women's Activities group meeting next Wednesday, June 21 from 10:30 a.m., until noon. After their group meeting, they are all going to a private gathering of the Wonderful Women of Wahkiakum County exhibit at Redmen Hall, and the Long Beach Grange ladies have been invited to join them. Last month, the Rose Valley Grange ladies came to visit so they have enjoyed mingling with other Granges. The Granges are getting ready to take part in the Washington State Grange Convention which will be held in Ocean Shores this year from June 28-30. They are currently taking part in the Puget Island Farmers Market on Fridays by providing an informational table about the Grange, and next month they will take part in the Bald Eagle Day festivities with a table on the street, July 15.
The Grange is also asking anyone with old photos or Grange information from all the former Granges as well as current Granges, to please contact Pearl Blackburn of the Skamokawa Grange #425 as they are wanting to make an exhibit of the history of the Granges that were in the area.
CAR SHOW--With this being Father's Day weekend, maybe Dad would like to come to the Roadkill Saloon at 8 Fairgrounds Road, and check out the rigs at this first "Father's Day Rod Run to the Roadkill" this Saturday from 12 to 3, so here's hoping they have a nice day for their first FDRR to the RS!
SAYING GOOD-BYE--Also happening on Saturday afternoon, June 17, there will be a gathering of family and friends of Doris Takko who passed away on May 27. This will be a Celebration of her Life, and if you knew Doris, she'd want us smiling and happy and yes, celebrating, as that's just the kind of person she was. Everyone who knew Doris is invited to the Skamokawa Grange Hall, beginning at 2 p.m.
ANOTHER LOSS--We send our deepest sympathies to all the family members of Gordon Souvenir (Sr.) who passed away on June 4 at the age of 90. As per request, there will not be any services. With a large family and all the extended family members, there are a lot of people to send our condolences to, so while we won't name them all, please know you are in our thoughts at this sad time.
BERRIES--There's only a couple of days left to order your fresh berries from the Lions Club during their 12th Annual Strawberry Sale. June 17 is their cut off day, so call 795-3337 or 849-4003 right away and make those arrangements if you want to get in on the buckets of berries!
BIBLE SCHOOL--From June 26-30, the Wahkiakum Interfaith Network will bring Vacation Bible School to the River of Life Assembly of God Church in Cathlamet. VBS will take place from 9 a.m., to noon each of the days mentioned above, (check in at 8:45 a.m.) but you need to get your child signed up as soon as possible. These forms are available at the Wah. Eagle office, St. James Family Center or the various participating churches, or you can go online: If you have any questions, contact Patti Phillips at 360-563-5013.
FUND RAISER--In hopes of raising more money for the upcoming bull riding event at the Wahkiakum Fairgrounds, they have extended their silent auction to this Saturday, in the Youth Building from 10 a.m., to 2 p.m. More items have been donated so they opted to open this up one more time. Come down and put in a bid and you may come home with a great item if you're the last bidder!
NEXT WEEKEND--The horse lovers will all be headed to the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds next weekend, as on June 24, the Silver Buckle Series will begin at 8 a.m. For more information on that, contact Patty Dursteler by leaving a message at the fairgrounds office for her, 795-3480.
PIGYS--During that same time, June 23, 24 and 25, the Puget Island Garage and Yard Sale will be happening and as we all know, it's a huge sale with folks signing up and getting on the PIGYS map, so that all you bargain hunters know just where the houses that support this event, are located. You are asked to be courteous of other peoples' property and to remember not to block any mail boxes. The cut off time to get on the map is June 16, so if you want your place included, hurry and contact Sandie York ASAP, at 360-430-0951.
NORSE HALL--One of those taking part in the PIGYS event every year is the Sons of Norway organization, and they will be at the Norse Hall, where there will not only be items for sale, but they'll be serving up those tasty pulled pork sandwiches, which are oh so tasty! So be sure to take a break from your shopping and stop by for some lunch, and then after you've gotten revitalized with a little nourishment, you could do a little more shopping while you're there. These sandwiches are only available on Friday and Saturday however, so don't miss out!
LOCAL COACH--Jonnie Knowles called and shared with me some "proud Mom" moments, as her daughter, Heidi, was the coach of a great team of athletes this year, when she took the Kalama Chinooks Track and Field team to State. Heidi coaches the Discus and Shot Put athletes and they did very well. In all, the team took home 16 medals from the 2 B State tournament held in Cheney at the end of last month, and so Jonnie thought her "homegrown" coach did pretty well. Of course, when Heidi wasn't rooting for her own team, she cheered on her old alma mater, Wahkiakum High School!
GREAT INFO--I got a call from Marie Fauver this past week and I really appreciated all her history of the logging companies and railroad companies that used to be in the area. She figures the KM mountain name came about because everyone shipped their lumber from the Knappton Mill site, as there were several companies working in the area. If you're ever wanting to hear stories about the logging companies, the railroad, and more interesting news like that, then get ahold of her and I'm sure she'd be happy to share her photos and knowledge with you. Thanks for the call Marie!
IN A MONTH--The Bald Eagle Day festivities will be happening a month from today, so if you want to put in a float, or set up a booth, pick up those forms right away and get them into the Wahkiakum Chamber as soon as you can. Forms are available at the Chamber office in Cathlamet or in various businesses around town. This is a fun day with a parade, lots to eat, lots of booths to buy things, great music and fantastic fireworks in the evening at the marina; don't miss it!
This is also a day for all members of the Class of 1967 to get together for their big 50th Class reunion at Dale Jacobson's house at 330 2nd Street, 1:30 p.m. This is a potluck affair, so bring a chair, bring your favorite drink and a side dish and get comfy as we do a bit of catching up! Give me a call if you have any questions Kay Pedersen Chamberlain, 795-3425.
FAMILY VISITORS--Adam and Samantha Pedersen, along with daughters, Bailey and Makenzie, showed up from Virginia this past week. While they visited Grandpa Mark (Rhonda) Pedersen and Uncle Tim (Margie) Pedersen, as well as their Grandma Cindy Taylor, they also celebrated Bailey's fourth birthday, so they had a grand time eating birthday cake and visiting with family members. The girls also got to meet their new cousin for the first time, as Luke Pedersen showed up with his parents, Gabriel and Annie Pedersen from Eastern Washington for a great visit with a bunch of the family as well. Gabe and Adam are the two oldest sons of former Wahkiakum resident and WA-KI-HI graduate, Mark Pedersen, now of Vancouver.
CELEBRATE DAD--This Sunday, June 17 is Father's Day, so we hope all of you guys who fit the bill, will have a wonderful day. Happy Father's Day, one and all!
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