To The Eagle:
I really appreciated Poul Toftemark’s erudite summary of the many issues we editorial letter writers have been addressing in previous editions of this great small town newspaper.
This fellow has been listening closely. He deserves being listened to just as carefully.
Poul's elegant definition of a liberal as someone with "obvious leanings toward betterment of our environment, health and general well being while here on this beautiful earth" has marvelous depth and simplicity.
As Mr. Toftemark stated, the election is over. My dissatisfactions expressed here lately are not about the election but about the questionable appointments and policy decisions of the Trump misadministration.
Poorly designed and badly executed legislative changes affecting taxation, health care and environmental protection are in danger of "throwing the baby out with the bath water" as succintly stated by Poul. I share the man's disappointments and worries about Trump's actions thus far.
I feel ennobled to consider myself a fellow liberal, Veteran and patriotic American alongside Mr.Toftemark. I look forward to his future comments within our public discourse.
J.B. Bouchard
Puget Island
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