Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Three of the same cloth need to go

To The Eagle:

Roger Ailes (deceased-May 18), Bill O’Reilly and Donald Trump are men of the same cloth. The management or leadership of any government, industry, academia, religion or religious groups, community and or public service groups, and all families, would not tolerate the actions of any of these three men. Fox News, even with its successful programming of fear with Ailes and O’Reilly could not allow itself to tolerate the actions and behavior of either man.

Both sponsors and consumers demanded change. However, it is amazing that approximately one-half of the American voting public elected Trump the president of the United States and somewhat less still admire these three men.

What have I missed? What good have, has and will these three men give Americans to positively reflect upon? The attributes these men will be remembered in final analysis, for promoting their own self-interests and fear.

Yes, a judgment, but I offer something positive. The answer to overcoming the chaos given to us by these three men, and three more and one woman listed remains education. The needs are for more national and community public debate with the purpose of advancing all America and Americans, beyond hate for the other party?

And in speaking of three other men and one woman to go, think of Trump's highest advisors. These are Roger Stone (to promote political trickery), Stephen Bannon (to promote bigotry and racism) and, Jared Kushner (Trump's son-in-law, in charge of finding Middle East peace, government reform, opioid crisis management, criminal justice reform, liaison to Mexico, liaison to China, liaison to Muslim community, and all while first promoting his real-estate empire at our expense). Among my favorites that should also go is Maryanne Kelly and her program of “alternate facts” in government.

Dennis T. Gordon

Puget Island


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