Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Robotics Club success at last competition of season

The Wahkiakum 4-H Robotics Club competed in its last competition of the school year on June 1. The competitions were held at Hayes freedom high School in Camas. The team was represented in all four events: line followers, dragsters, sumo bots and a new event: dance party, which is synchronized robots to music.

Line follower robots have a sensor in the front that is programmed to follow a black line in the shape of an oval. Two robots start opposite each other and the first one to catch up to it's opponent and make contact is the winner. Annelise Vik took 2nd place in the EV3 division and Lydia Blalock took 3rd place in the open class division.

Dragster bots were run on a track that was 20 feet long and four feet wide, two bots side by side. The first bot to stop moving forward is declared the winner. Dragsters are programmed to start and stop using a sensor that sees the black finish line. Programming a robot to go straight seems like a really easy task but there is more to it than that. Any little thing that is off, such as a bent wheel, rubbing parts, or a frame that is out of alignment can pull the robot one direction or the other and take them off the track. Peter Vik took 1st place in the EV3 division.

Sumo bots were supposed to get the opponent out of the ring first. Wahkiakum's team of Chuckie Barton Jr., Dylan Ahmed, and Johnny Berry, built a sumo bot that cleaned house. "I came to win," Chuckie said and they did just that taking 1st place. Wahkiakum truly lived up to its name of "walk-up-and-kick-em."

Wahkiakum placed 2nd in the "dance party." The six member team each programmed and made a costume for their robot related to Star Wars. Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Cilo Ren, Obi-Wan Kenobie, and R2D2 were represented in the dance.

Next March Wahkiakum 4-H Robotics Club will team up with Wahkiakum Schools and the Cathlamet community to host a similar event in Cathlamet. Those interested in getting on their planning committee, helping sponsor the tournament, or helping judge events should contact Jessica Vik at the 4-H office or Stephanie Leitz at WHS.

Club members will give a presentation open to the community on Wednesday, July 26 from 6-8 p.m., at the community center. They will talk about their field trips and their competitions. Their robots will be on display.


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