To The Eagle:
After reading the opinions of varying people, presumably all Americans, I will do my best to stick to that label, though I have been labeled something else, at different times.
I, and I believe most, except perhaps Hillary, are way over the election. That said, do not expect that we will all of a sudden be lockstep with Trump’s policies. Once the election surprise was over, hoped for some good changes. In particular to the EPA and in my opinion over-reach of regulations. Instead it has been a baby with the bathwater approach, very disappointing. This same approach has been taken with almost every appointment Trump has made. States’ rights were espoused during the campaign, which now are under attack in many ways. Seems those rights are very selective.
In one article, history was brought up. I too read and remember a lot of history, always interested in how we came to be here and now. Trump’s first overseas trip, was to go dance with the same, who were responsible for 9/11, perhaps biggest contributor to the rise of ISIL, next to our war in Iraq. If you question that, please look up Wahhabism, you should know this! Only winners there, are, as usual, the weapons industry. He then ended his trip, scolding our real allies, perhaps with good reason, but certainly not endearing cooperation.
I am so tired of hearing about Russia! That said, it scares the heck out of me, to hear Trump’s praises of KGB leader Putin, Dueterte, Un and other of the ilk, while out of the same mouth disses on the same leaders, who have been with us since 9/11, on good and bad choices. I spent three years guarding against The Soviet Union in Germany looking at the “Iron Curtain” from a US Army post, expected to slow them down, if worse came to worse. Russia is no friend, never has been, doubt ever will be. Ally of convenience during WWII.
Yesterday Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord. I find words difficult to describe my disappointment of this move. The opposition to that move, was so widespread and diverse, even his own family, yet his ego would not let him listen to reason. Resulting effects, will be long in coming, perhaps years, fear not good ones, in so many ways.
For a closer to home discussion, his budget proposal, a long way from happening. In that budget, there is a proposed cut to the Hanford cleanup. This right after some serious leaks. To me another total disregard of our environment. Too bad the Columbia doesn’t flow by the Trump Tower or Mara Largo Resort. If that were so, I’m certain more $$ would be allotted to cleaning up the government mess there. Lest we forget, radioactive waste is dangerous, way beyond our grandkids time on earth.
I could go on rambling, but I voiced my opinion, as an American, Veteran, Taxpayer, with obvious leaning toward betterment of our environment, health and general well being, while here on this beautiful earth. If some want to call me a liberal for that, then I welcome that name, along with proud American.
Sincerely patriotic American from Rosburg,
Poul Toftemark
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