Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend

Skamokawa News

SUPER NICE--We certainly couldn't complain about the weekend weather, unless you don't like the sunshine and warmth that went with it! Temperatures were in the mid-70's on Saturday, so it wasn't totally miserable, but then they went up and they were in the mid-80's on Sunday. Monday morning the heat hit us early and it was 87 degrees at our house before noon with temperatures still rising! Most people that I talked to were really loving it and only a few, like me, really preferred the mid-70's better. I was just glad the AC was running and I got to stay in the basement, as those hotter temperatures are just way too much for me!

SAD--It would seem that plain ole, "common sense" would be enough to keep people who have children and pets, protected from the sun, but we're already hearing of people leaving their kids in their cars and animals too, so I'm not so sure where common sense has gone, but I sure wish it would make a come-back!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 25-31 are Elle Britt, Keil Charles Parker, Katie Vegvary, Wes McClain, Jeanne Paulsen, Stephanie Prestegard, Devin Helms, Johnny Peterson, Julie Black, Patti LaBerge, Sharon Hart, Kelly Hammond, Serene Snow, Asher Frink, Chad Marsyla, Pat Shanahan, Tiernan Cochran, Brooklynn Blain, Arnie Good, Lisa Sechler and 67'er Linda Toste.

Happy Anniversary to Bill and Linda Mahitka. Here's to enjoying all of your special times on your special days everybody!

BIG DAY--Speaking of birthdays, Lois Nelson certainly enjoyed herself this past Saturday, as her family held a 90th birthday party for her at the United Church of Christ (Congregational). Her birthday was technically a couple days later, but Lois didn't seem to mind celebrating a little early, and truly welcomed seeing all her family and friends who attended the big occasion. It was a real treat to listen to some of the musical numbers, which were done by several different family members who sang and played instruments; a talented bunch indeed, and they did Lois proud! Needless to say, when we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her, we just had to add, "and many more" as Lois is just one of those sweet, delightful people that the world could certainly use more of!

CLOSING ITS DOORS--The only sad thing about being at the church for Lois' party was the fact that the following day, Sunday, May 21, would be the last church service held there by the UCC, as their pastor is retiring and with their numbers dwindling, it became apparent that they could no longer continue. As I went down the hallway and checked out the older pictures, I couldn't help but smile when I saw my Grandpa Ralph Everest in a couple of the pictures, as my grandparents were some of those who helped raise money to build the church, and Grandpa was always up there doing some cleaning or yard work it seemed. It was sad to hear of it closing, however, I'm told that the Senior Dinners may still take place there, so I do hope that's true, as many certainly enjoy them.

OPENING FRIDAY--The Puget Island Farmers Market is opening for business as of this Friday, May 26, so head on over to the Stockhouse farm at 59 West Birnie Slough Road, and check out all the goodies they have there. The market is open from 3-6 p.m., every Friday until the end of October. There is always a wide variety of items here for sale and there's often entertaiment as well, so stop by and check it out this Friday afternoon!

THIS FRIDAY PM--The free Friday movie this week is one that is rated for older youth/Adult-PG-13, and begins at the usual time of 7 p.m., at the Community Center in Cathlamet. Besides the movie being free, so is the popcorn, but you could always bring something of your own, or call Sharon's Pizza Mill to have a tasty pizza delivered right to the center at 6:45 p.m.

THIS SATURDAY--This Saturday morning you can help support the American Legion by heading down to Deep River and taking part in their annual American Legion Breakfast at their hall. It's always a good deal and you really get filled up, as with all you can eat pancakes, plus a side of meat and eggs, well, who wouldn't get full on that? For more information call Ken Elliott at 360-465-2274.

67'ERS MTG REMINDER--Just a quick reminder to all those in the Class of 1967: We will meet at the Masthead in Longview, this Saturday at 1 p.m., to put the final touches on our 50th class reunion details. (It will be held on July 15th at Dale Jacobson's house near the Elochoman Marina.) We'll also enjoy a no host lunch and wish Linda Holland Toste a Happy Birthday, so we hope you can show up and join the crowd.

EXHIBIT--The River Life Interpretive Center is full of wonderful items for you to check out, so we hope you'll stop by Redmen Hall and enjoy this latest exhibit by the Wonderful Women of Wahkiakum County, as they truly are a talented bunch! If you love homemade quilts and scarves and bead work, this is the place to come to as many of these women don't usually showcase their awesome work. Redmen Hall is open Thursday through Sunday, noon to 4 p.m.

MEMORIAL WEEKEND--Here's to remembering what Memorial Day is all about, as it's a day to remember all those who have lost their lives while serving their country. May they never be forgotten, and may they rest in peace.

WDFS CAR SHOW--Whenever we get to Memorial Day weekend, you know it's almost time for the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars Rod Run. This year, June 3 is the big day and we truly hope you'll be showing up at the Wahkiakum Fairgrounds as there's going to be some rumbling, some glitz and lots of "oohs and aahs" as people walk through the rows of cars and trucks and admire all that four-wheeled awesomeness! The hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and that's when all the trophies and prizes will be handed out. Beings you never know if it's going to be hot or wet, bring an umbrella either way and you won't get burned or wet!

DON'T FORGET BREAKFAST--The Skamokawa United Methodist Church will serve breakfast at their church the morning of the car show, so here's hoping you stop by and get your fill before heading to the car show. The church is just across the walking bridge and the highway from the fairground area, so it's easy to get to. The price for the breakfast is $8 for those six and up, and just $4 for the ones under six, so it's a good deal as who doesn't enjoy sausage and scrambled eggs, pancakes and biscuits and gravy?

ESPRESSO OPEN--If you love your espresso, those fancier coffee drinks or maybe those smoothies, remember, the Ship Channel Coffee trailer at Skamokawa Vista Park is available seven days a week. The early birds can get there at 7 a.m., except on Sundays, it's 7:30, and they are open until 2 p.m., so don't miss out on your favorite drink or their specials.

ANNIVERSARY--Back in 2012, we had spoken to the new Duck Inn owner, Logan Britt and we impressed upon him how great it would be if he were to get his "new" Duck Inn Restaurant and Lounge open in time for the big Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars car show, as lots of folks would be in town and it would be a perfect time to promote the brand spankin' new Duck! Well, by golly, he was able to get the place open and on June 1, when the car show was in town, everyone, including the car folks, were delighted to see the new business open! So it's a special five year anniversary for Logan and his crew this year. Congratulations to him and we wish him continued success for many more years to come.

ANOTHER ONE--Speaking of anniversaries, it hardly seems possible, but as of next Wednesday, Bill and I will be celebrating 30 years here in Skamokawa in the old Quigley house, or if you're older, it might have been the McDonald house, and if you're still alive and remember the Birch family who built this house in 1906, you're really doing well! At any rate, we were blessed to have run into Frank and Carol Quigley one day when we were looking for Bernie Schroeder, who was putting on a new roof on the house. Bernie flat out said, "You guys ought to buy this house." and well, after a little chat with the Quigleys that day, we went up to their home in Cathlamet that evening, talked a bit more, shook hands and it was a done deal, the house was ours! I doubt anybody has ever bought a house, moved into a house, and yet had never signed a paper or given them a dollar before doing so, but that's what we did. Frank and Carol were good people and your handshake was your word, so they were more than happy to not have to mow the lawn, and handed over the keys, the mole traps and waved good-bye as they took off on a big trip! We moved in on my Mom's birthday, so it was a day I'll never forget. And maybe, just maybe, one of these years, it will be the Chamberlain house!

SONS OF NORWAY--The members of the Sons of Norway will meet on June 7 at 7 p.m., and everyone is welcome to stop by the Norse Hall on Puget Island and see if joining them would be of interest to you.

Also, on June 10, there will be bingo, with doors opening at 5:30 and games will start at 6 p.m. Cards are $5 each with goodies available to purchase as well. Come and win a nice cash prize and have fun with your friends and neighbors!

Both the meeting and the bingo games take place in the lower level of the hall.

BUSY TIMES AHEAD/DONATIONS--June will be a very busy month, so I hope you have on your running shoes, as there will be lots to do, like graduations, Fair flea market, Father's Day, the Roadkill Saloon's Father's Day Rod run, the beginning of the Silver Buckle Series and the Puget Island Garage and Yard Sale and more.

I'd like to invite you to donate something to the annual VFW sale held at the Eaton home on Puget Island. Maybe you're doing a little spring cleaning and you've found some wonderful items that are in good shape and are very sellable, but you just don't want to mess with a sale yourself. Those good, clean, usable items are just the kind of things that the VFW folks are looking for, so why not donate them to this worthy cause? If you can't drop them off yourself, with prior arrangements, somebody could come and pick them up. Call 849-4451 today if you have any questions or want to set up a time to deliver things, or make arrangements to have somebody come and get them. Raising money for our Vets is a very noble cause, and we hope you can help them out. The VFW sale will start June 17, which is the weekend prior to the PIGYS sale on Puget Island, and then it will start up again during that huge Puget Island Garage and Yard Sale that takes place June 23-25.


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