Community Home Health & Hospice (Community) announced April 25 that Administrative Manager, Cari Clizbe won Support Staff of the year at the 24th Annual Home Care Association of Washington (HCAW) Awards Conference.
The annual awards recognize individuals who share a high level of dedication to their profession and community. Award winners are honored for meeting personal and industry-related challenges with vision and positive energy, tirelessly advocating for their agencies, patients and colleagues.
In her role as Administrative Manager at Community, Clizbe acts as the Executive Assistant to CEO, Greg Pang and also oversees Community’s buildings, grounds, facilities, housekeeping, maintenance, DME delivery, and telephone and physical reception. Since her start with the agency in April 2013, she has created a stellar reputation; collaborative, fun, responsive and professional.
Community President and CEO Greg Pang states, “Cari is always willing to go above and beyond, put in extra time, and she really doesn’t consider taking any credit for her excellent work. She takes pride in a job well done and puts others in the limelight, particularly always commending her staff. She lightens our work life and creates a positive atmosphere wherever she goes. Cari is such an amazing employee, and Community is so fortunate to have such a positive contributor to our agency’s mission! She is so deserving of HCAW’s Support Staff of the Year award.”
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