To The Eagle:
Where’s Jaime? Many Long Beach peninsula residents (voters) wish that our fourth-term U.S. Representative, Jaime Herrera Beutler, would appear in person to field questions and address our concerns at a town hall. Ms Beutler seems to prefer telephone town halls (sometimes quickly announced and conducted), community coffee meetings, or sending surrogates to communities in her district. That’s not sufficient.
Her predecessor, Brian Baird, conducted over 300 town hall meetings during his twelve-year tenure. Many were held in Long Beach, where residents (voters) were free to ask tough questions and Brian agreed or disagreed with their viewpoints. It was truly democracy in action. Representative
Beutler, however, hasn’t shown up here, except for fund-raisers, meetings with local Republicans, or gatherings of specific targeted groups. In a recent letter to us, Ms Beutler claimed that “I value your feedback and opinion . . . It’s important that you get the chance to talk directly (emphasis ours) to your member of Congress . . .“ We’re providing an opportunity for her to live up to her claims.
We will establish a venue for her appearance, locate nonpartisan individuals to moderate, and handle all other logistical matters sometime during her forthcoming April 10-21 Congressional recess. While Ms Beutler may have made personal town-hall appearances in counties such as Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, Skamania, Wahkiakum, and Thurston, she seems to have forgotten Pacific County with its 20,000 residents, many of us elderly voters.
Pacific County constituents—Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and others who agree with the need for a Beutler personal appearance-- can call her Washington or Vancouver offices, send a letter or postcard, email her, or show up at her doorstep to express their concerns. Try 1107 Longworth HOB, Washington D.C. 20515 (202) 225-3536 or c/o General O. O .Howard House, 750 Anderson Street, Suite B, Vancouver, WA 98661 (360) 695-6292. Or Or Or U.S. Representatives pay most attention to phone calls and postcards, less to emails and petitions. This event will be sponsored by DoGoodnics, a peninsula nonprofit agency.
Gwen & Robert Brake
and six other area residents
Ocean Park
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