Commissioners discussed setting up pay scales for employees and listened to reports at the Wahkiakum County PUD Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday.
General Manager Dave Tramblie informed the commissioners that crews would be excavating Salme Road to the top of the hill for their intertie project with Pacific County in July. They will be excavating around 3,200 feet and putting in five pole boxes.
“Some locations will be difficult because there isn’t much shoulder,” Tramblie said. “It isn’t terrible; we’ll figure it out.”
“It’s a neat project, I’m happy that it’s moving along. Really good forward thinking,” Commissioner Dennis Reid said.
The crew asked some Westend customers to boil water after a recent water break off Eden Valley Road. According to Tramblie, the water was tested and turned out to be fine.
“I think the guys made the right call,” Tramblie said.
The PUD has been upgrading the electric system at the county fairgrounds and according to Tramblie, they are nearly done.
“I know the fair people are excited with the project and all the help that they’ve gotten,” Reid said.
Auditor Erin Wilson reported that there was currently $248 available in the Residential Energy Assistance Program.
Commissioners and staff began discussions about how to set up a salary range and schedule for employees. Tramblie requested some time to come up with more information and they will return to the matter in a month.
Commissioners approved travel for Wilson who will attend a WPUDA Finance Officers Committee Meeting in Union, WA in April and a WA Finance Officers Association Annual Conference in Kennewick in September.
The next PUD meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21 at 8:30 a.m. in the PUD meeting room.
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