Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Lady Mules on great winning streak

Skamokawa News

MIXED BAG--As February came to an end, we've had some sun, some rain, some hail, some snow and some very cold temperatures, so we've had it all it seems! The snow we got last Thursday was a little more than many of us expected, but thankfully, it had stopped and was mostly gone by that night or next day. The nippy temperatures of Saturday morning made for icy puddles and slick conditions but the sun that was shining was certainly a welcome sight. That snow that fell in the very early hours of Sunday morning, which left us back in our winter wonderland world, was not totally unexpected, but it was not widespread. The valleys around here saw a good blanketing of it, but just a couple miles east, there wasn't a thing, go figure!

WAY TO GO!--Congratulations to the Lady Mules for not giving up this past Saturday, as they came from behind, tied up the game, went into overtime and beat Davenport in a wild, thrilling and down to the wire baseketball game, wow! How great was that? Good job, we knew you could do it! From what I understand, the win means they get a bye on the first day of State play but will then be playing Thursday night at 9 p.m., and I'm told the bracket seems to be a tough one. However, our gals showed that they are tough too, so here's wishing them the best as they move "onward and upward"! Go Lady Mules Go! A big thank-you to Lee Tischer for keeping all of us here at home, in the loop; deeply appreciated!

SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from March 2-8 are Debra Hollan, Audrey Petterson, Sara Fletcher, Micaela Sause, Sandy Wirkkala, Jessica Hoven, Tyler Hoven, Rebecca Brennan, Ray Brooks, Ian Turner, Jean Wallen, Felicitie Knight, Betsy O'Conner, Joanne Brockway, Krystal Ellison, Jonas Owens and KaraLin Reynolds. I believe I omitted Judy Garrison's birthday last week, as she celebrated her big day yesterday; sorry I'm late Judy! Also celebrating a birthday last week was neighbor, Vicki Allenback. Hope it was a good one!

Celebrating their anniversaries this week are Adam and Sara Fletcher and Brandon and Debbie Chamberlain. Enjoy your special days!

If you'd like to get your name on the birthday list, or you need to have a correction made, please contact me at home, and also contact a Lions Club member so you can be added to their calendar for next year, or have a name changed or possibly a person removed!

CONGRATULATIONS--We've got one more name to add to our birthday list, as a baby girl was born to Tracy (Ostling) and Scott Tomlinson this past Sunday, Feb. 26. She arrived at 9:30 p.m., and was seven pounds and 13 ounces. The little miss joins two brothers, Danny and Kasey at home and of course, Grandma Sherry (Emery) Ostling was looking pretty proud to be holding that first little granddaughter, which was named Emery. Congratulations to Scott and Tracy on their latest addition!

FRIDAY NT. MOVIE--The Cathlamet Community Center features free movies every Friday evening, beginning at 7 p.m. This Friday, March 3, there will be a movie that is listed as a drama for adults. Show up a little early and you can have a pizza delivered to the center at 101 Main Street, from Sharon's Pizza Mill, just call 795-3311. If you're not that hungry, you can enjoy the free popcorn that is provided while you watch the movie.

GET WELL--We sure have had some sick folks around the area, and they seem to have a wide range of problems, from colds, to pnemonia and to hospital visits, so that's not so good. One of our favorite guys, Jason Wallin, was one of those guys who wound up in the hospital, in Florida no less, and so we are hoping he gets out of there and is feeling much better real soon. Many hugs to his wife, Rochelle who is having to deal with all this from afar, as we know how tough that must be. However, the last word I heard was that Jason is going to be okay, and with a few lifestyle changes, will be better than ever and is coming home soon; that's great news!

REDMEN HALL REOPENS/ANTIQUES--Now that March is here, it means the Friends of Skamokawa will be opening the doors of the hall and you can come up and check out their gift and book shop, which always has many great local gifts and authors with wonderful books of local history. This Saturday, March 4 will be their opening day, so they hope to see you there. The opening comes with the new panels they have which were featured in the "History of the Tugboats and Steamboat on the Lower Columbia River" exhbit last year. While this opening comes on a Saturday, their regular hours of Thursday through Sunday will begin the following week. You can always contact them at 795-3007 for more information.

The first fund raiser of the year for the hall comes in the form of their annual "Antique and Vintage Fair," March 11 and 12, and it will be held in the conference room behind the Skamokawa Store, which is located just across the street from Redmen Hall. This will give everyone easy access to the event, and also be easier for vendors to set up their wares, and with its great view of the river, it's really a wonderful spot for this event. The hours are 10 to 4 both days, so here's hoping you find a real treasure to take home at a great price!

BINGO REMINDER--The Sons of Norway will have had their first meeting of the month last night, March 1, but they do want to remind you that the next one will be April 5 at 7 p.m., and everyone is welcome to come by and visit and see what's going on at the Norse Hall.

Speaking of which, the Bingo lovers will be headed to Puget Island and the lower level of the Norse Hall for Bingo on March 11 so don't miss out on the fun and the cash prizes. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and games begin at 6 p.m.

FAIRGROUNDS DOINGS--On the second Saturday of each month, there is a flea market at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds, so if you're looking for a good deal, or a place to sell some of your own extra things, you might want to check that out!

As far as I know, the big "Challenge of Champions" will take place on July 14 at the fairgrounds. This is a bull riding event and will be a major fund raiser for the fair. More information on that will take place soon. You can leave your questions about this event on the fairgrounds phone, or attend one of their monthly meetings.

ST. PADDY'S DAY--The "wearin' o' the green" will soon take place, as March 17 is Saint Patrick's Day and that brings out the shamrocks, green clothing, necklaces, and food coloring, and of course, everyone's favorite Irish brews and food dishes. So, with the big event taking place on a Friday this year, why not head to one of your local businesses and celebrate with Corned Beef and Cabbage and a green beverage? After a lot of tough winter conditions, which kept people at home, this would be a great time to give our local businesses a little "shot in the arm" and make sure they get to keep their doors open. Here's to the Irish and even if you aren't one, you can be for that day at least!

NEW SERVICE--We are so happy to have our Skamokawa General Store, as they have many items there which are wonderful, not only for us, but for the campers at Skamokawa Vista Park and others just passing by. However, once the store closes in the evening, your chance to grab a six pack for those late evening guests is gone. Luckily for the folks who have encountered that problem, I just learned that the Roadkill Saloon, formerly the Oasis Tavern, has gotten their license to sell beer to go! So, if you wind up with those late pop-in guests, or maybe realize you'd like a beer to go with that pizza you just pulled out of the freezer and the store is closed, you now have the option of quenching your thirst a little later in the evening hours, Wednesdays through Sundays. They are closed Monday and Tuesday.

CAR SHOW--I know it's a ways away, but this is just a reminder that the "Rods and Reels Rod Run" will be at our local fairgrounds on June 3, but that collecting donations for it will be starting soon. If you're new to the area and would like to donate something, you can contact me, 795-3425 or Lee Tischer at 360-430-4377. All donations are needed, wanted and welcomed by the organization, as the more things we have for the give-aways and for the big raffle prizes, the more money can be raised for our graduating WHS seniors. However, if you'd like to be able to get some great advertising for a great price, a $200 donation gets your name on this year's t-shirt, so it's a great way to spread the word around about your business at a great price! Beings those in charge of this event need some time to get those names gathered, and get them submitted to the t-shirt making people, it's a good idea to let someone know your intentions of doing that early on, so your place of business, or you, get the recognition that it deserves. You can either donate the $200 in cash or prizes in that amount or a combination of both. Remember, this is not only a fun day, with lots of great cars, music, free trout pond and great food, but it's a major fund raiser for our kids, so here's to another fantastic car show in June!

NEW?--There is no shortage of things to do around here when it comes to committees, boards, groups, clubs, organizations, etc., so if you're new to the area, I do hope you're buying this local paper and keeping up on all the things that are put on around the area. If you've got some free time on your hands, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer to help out, so contact the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce, and I'm pretty sure they can steer you to something that you would find to your liking. Bald Eagle Day co-ordinators are always looking for people to help out during this huge event, as is our fairground's manager, as there is always a need for superintendents for the various categories, as well as clean up crews, setting up crews, decorating and painting crews and what not, so there is no need to be bored in this little county. All you have to do is ask around a bit! Your willingness to help your community would be truly appreciated.

OUT OF THE PAST--This week back in 1947, the week began a bit wet but then it got real nice for several days before turning rainy again. It was off to the show for the Everests and also Grace and Barbara Moore were there, along with Carol Pedersen and family. They all met back at the Everest home afterward, where there was also a fresh baked good or two and a pot of coffee. (However, Grandma Elsie was known for her weak coffee, so our Norskie family called it, "Elsie's Tea!") The Pocahontas Club met and after much discussion, they opted to pay rent. (No mention of where they were meeting at that time, or why they suddenly had to pay rent.) Grandma Everest made a pineapple upside down cake and Carol Hauck and Norma Markie, who were teachers here, joined in with George Everest, Carol and Krist Pedersen and Jack and Trixie, and they all had a grand time singing, and enjoying all the fun and the company with the Everests that day. It was pretty quiet in Cathlamet as most were out of town for the basketball conference. We lost to Valley but were still in play, beating White Salmon and Toutle Lake later on. It was a busy day on March 8, as Grandma Everest turned 55 that year and the weather was nice all day long until late evening when the rains returned. There were callers all afternoon, many cards and many lovely gifts as well and she had a very enjoyable day.


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