To The Eagle:
Some of the rights we all have in America are to believe what we each feel is right. And to speak about our concerns. These are rights we all have here.
It does not matter if you are liberal or conservatively inclined. What matters is, what are you doing every day to improve this country?
Try this, at the end of each day ask yourself, “Ahem! What did I do today that improved productivity or some condition here in America?” If you can not find a reply you are proud of, then get busy and do something good for this country before you go to bed. Clean your street, make a positive suggestion on how to improve things to your elected representative, something, anything, that is intended to create improvement here in America.
If you are waiting for politicans to get this country productive again please look at our history and realize it has always been a group effort that has created this country.
If you live here you are part of this group, like a business or any activity the citizens or employees must put in more than they take out for the activity to prosper and succeed.
Anyone may need some help from the group from time to time, but if you are taking the free ride, you are being a parasite! Exercise your right to change your mind and become productive.
Ben Elkinton
Elochoman Valley
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