To The Eagle:
In your disregard for the clear majority of voters in this county (57 percent for Trump, 35 percent for Hillary), will you continue to scold and cajole your readership with your editorial bias? As owner and publisher you control the message.
After eight long years of living with the miserable economy and social racial division from the Democrat administration, many of us voted for change. And now, three weeks into the new presidency, we’re told to believe that he is not “legitimate,” indeed, that he’s Hitler. A silly and hysterical quote from one reader, “The first week of the new administration has been straight out of Germany’s Nazi Party.” How’s that for a gross misrepresentation of history?
Ironic, is it not, that the 35 percent voted for a person who takes beau coup money from regimes that stone women to death and throw homosexual men from the tops of buildings as a form of execution?
What I’ve witnessed on TV and the internet happening in Portland is the destruction of property and physical attacks on Trump supporters. Fear-mongering and over-the-top sniping encourage fear and anxiety for everyone. Our country, our people suffer much from this childish denial of the election result.
I am not heartened or reassured by such ill thought out and snarky opinion expressed by you and some of your readers. Your continued disparagement of the majority of voters likening them and our president to Third Reich fascists is unacceptable, as is happy talk from the do-gooders who do nothing either, to help matters. Stick to local news and quit fanning the flames of narrow minded partisan politics.
Mike Swift
(Editor: To be precise, Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton’s 227. Seven “faithless” electors voted for other candidates, costing Trump two votes and Clinton four. In the actual nationwide vote by citizens, Clinton tallied 65.8 million votes, and Trump had 62.9 million.)
Reader Comments(1)
Concerned writes:
I strongly agree with letter,Fanning the Flames.The protests are an excuse for ignorant, disrespectful people to showcase their immature approach to life's issues. Please do not feed It! We need to Grow Up! Get off the self-absorbed horse of, I want equality for all. Face the truth:Your life is ALL about you! OUR President is Mr Trump. If he is not yours, leave! Freedom of speech is not freedom to vandalize rights or property of others.Please do not feed into the stupidity of this rage and bias.
02/16/2017, 11:04 am