Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Rep. Walsh named to three committees in WA House of Representatives

Rep. Jim Walsh has been named to three House committees for the upcoming legislative session. The 19th District lawmaker will sit on the House Local Government, Capital Budget, and Business and Financial Services committees.

The House Local Government Committee considers issues relating to the operations and financing of counties, cities, and some special districts. The committee also considers land use issues, such as local permitting and the subdivision of property.

The House Capital Budget Committee considers the state capital budget which approves money for construction and repair of public buildings and for other long-term investments, such as land acquisitions and transfers. In addition, the committee considers state money that is either given or lent to local governments or nonprofit organizations for infrastructure, housing, and cultural and heritage facilities. The committee also considers bills relating to public works contracting, state buildings and land, and the authorization of state debt.

The House Business and Financial Services Committee considers the licensing and regulation of businesses and professions. It also considers issues relating to insurance, including the activities of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner and the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency, the solvency of insurance companies, and the rates and practices of insurance companies. Financial services issues include the safety and soundness of state banks and credit unions, the regulation of consumer credit and lending, and the regulation of securities and investments.

Walsh was sworn in to office on Dec. 8. His email address is and his phone number is (360) 786-7806. His office location is 428 John L. O’Brien Building on the Capitol Campus.


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