To The Eagle:
This is additional information regarding the article in The Eagle 12/22 about the county commissioners’ meeting with community center representatives.
The advisory group for the community center in Cathlamet is seeking a small contribution from the county to help pay for a part time coordinator/manager to keep the center open to the public and schedule volunteers and programs. The commissioners have so far denied any funding.
The building is owned by the Town of Cathlamet and leased to the county for the sum of one dollar per year. The town pays for utilities and maintenance. Commissioner Brady stated (and Commissioner Cothren confirmed) that the county currently pays $20,000 per year to heat and maintain the Johnson Park facility. Health and Human Services also pays to heat the areas they use. When the commissioners were questioned as to why they are willing to spend so much for one facility and none for the other, their response was that the county owns the Johnson Park property. Apparently they forget that they lease the Cathlamet facility for the princely price of a dollar. They also state they do not have any funds available.
In summary, the commissioners are perfectly happy to spend $20,000 yearly to support a facility that serves less than a third of the population, but feel a single dollar should be enough for the rest of the county.
Mariane Brightbill
Puget Island
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