Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Positive motion not rocket science

To The Eagle:

Life is in motion, Life is motion. The more motion there is the more life there is. If your life is not as you want it, create some motion. Any motion; but be aware that motion that is pro-survival enhances ones life while non-survival motion decreases life potential. Yes it is that way, sorry to say.

Example: Let’s say I have a vehicle I would like to sell. I can either sit here at my desk and “wish” the darn thing would sell and someone would come along and buy it. Likely it will not sell. (No Motion.)

Or, I get my body moving and change the position of the vehicle, move it to where it is more visible, and maybe wash it or put a for sale sign on it so people will know I am not willing to part with it. Put an ad in the paper. All forms of motion!

Then I get busy and talk about it to others and promote the positive aspects of the vehicle, (more motion) soon interest is generated (motion) in the lives of others and someone comes along and buys it. To be the most successful I would create motion that matches the desires of prospective buyers. If it is a Hot Rod you are selling, promote it as sleek, fast and ever so oh so powerful! (Exhilaration!) For a vehicle that is a 4-door sedan Mom and Pop kind of vehicle, I would promote it as quiet, comfortable, economical. Good for trips to the market or taking the kids to school and like that. (Conservative.)

No matter the tone, it is created motion that causes change.

This applies to all aspects of life.

Having problems with your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend? Get some motion going! A fist fight is motion but a hug and a kiss would be a better form of motion.

As a side note, it is always easy to find things wrong with others. Try this: focus on finding something, anything right about a person.

Example: Maybe the house is a mess, dirty dishes everywhere, laundry not done and so on. Try this (if it is true) “Damn honey you are a good cook!” (a rightness). “While you are cooking up dinner, how about I jump in and wash the dishes as you use them?” “After dinner what say we fire up the old washing machine and get all these clothes washed and put away?” “I have an idea, when we are done with that let’s make some goodies and watch a movie together?” “and maybe go to bed early? What do you think, honey?” “Let’s play like when we were kids!”

Don’t look now but the two of you will have a much better relationship.

If there is just nothing right about the person, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, it may be time for another kind of motion, and “end of motion” for that activity, relationship. If it has come to that then you can still create motion in a way no one gets hurt. (Uncontested Divorce.) Likely you will part, and possibly remain friends vs ending as confirmed enemies and everyone but the courts and lawyers lose. Where there is conflict they always win! So, don’t create conflict!

Create smooth harmonious motion toward goals that improve life for everyone involved. It is not hard to do. Focus on creating motion your partner can experience easily and share it with him or her.

Ain’t rocket science! Try it!

Ben Elkinton



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