Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Election results

Cothren wins, Pretegard leads by 5 votes; county joins in Trump vote

Voters in Wahkiakum County and Legislative District 19 left races too close to call on Tuesday.

In the race for County Commissioner District 1, challenger Greg Prestegard, a Democrat, led incumbent Mike Backman, an Independent, by just five votes, 999-994.

The county auditor's office will count late votes this morning (Thursday).

In the race for County Commissioner District 2, incumbent Dan Cothren, led challenger Robert L. Jungers, no party preference, 1,085-838.

Incumbent Wahkiakum PUD Commissioner Dennis Reid was unopposed in running for re-election and drew 1,509 votes.

Voters rejected two special levy requests.

A countywide request for a special levy to support more officers for the sheriff's office went down with 1,347 voting against the measure and 635 supporting it.

In the Westend, a request from Fire District No. 3 for a special levy for equipment needs went down 220 voting no and 127 voting in favor.

The race for District 19 legislator, position 1, was very close election night. In Wahkiakum, Republican Jim Walsh led with 1,048 votes; Democrat Teresa Purcell had 887. District wide, Purcell led Walsh 18,150 to 17,830.

Senator Dean Takko won re-election with 57 percent of the vote; challenger Sue Kuehl Pederson had 43 percent. Incumbent State Rep. Brian Blake drew 60.48 percent of the vote; challenger Jimi O'Hagan had 43 percent.

In the election for superior court judge for Wahkiakum and Pacific counties, Wahkiakum voters favored Mike Turner over Doug Goelz 950-626. However, in the two counties, Goelz had a slim 4,775-4,746 lead, only 29 votes.

Wahkiakum voters generally favored Republican candidates for statewide offices. County voters favored Republican Donald Trump for president over Democrat Hillary Clinton 1,135-729, and Trump claimed the race nationwide.

Counts later this week will determine some of the close elections. Wahkiakum County had 178 ballots coming in too late on Tuesday to count; statewide, there are 784,872 ballots on hand to be processed.

A final count will occur later this month, and if the tight margin remains, there will be a mandatory recount.

Unofficial results follow:

Wahkiakum County Commissioner Dist. 1

Greg Prestegard D 999

Mike Backman Ind. 994

Wahkiakum County Commissioner Dist. 2

Dan L. Cothren Ind 1085

Robert L. Jungers No Preference 838

Wahkiakum PUD Commissioner

Dennis R. Reid NP 1509

Pacific County Commissioner Dist. 1

Steve Rogers D 4,058

Lisa Olsen R 4,557

Pacific County Commissioner Dist. 2

Fred H. Hill D 3,529

Frank Wolfe D 4,093

Wah. Co. Criminal Justice Levy %

Yes 635 32.04

No 1,347 67.96

Fire Dist. 3 Special Levy Percentage

Yes 127 36.6

No 220 63.4

Wah./Pac. Co. Sup. Crt. Judge 2 counties

Douglas E. Goelz 626 4,775

Michael S. Turner 950 4746

State, Regional and National Elections

Wahkiakum / District/State

Vote Percentage

US President & Vice-president State %

Clinton/Kaine 729 56.27%

Trump/Pence 1,135 37.85%

State Legislature, District 19, Position 1 %

Teresa Purcell D 887 50.44%

Jim Walsh R 1,048 49.56%

State Legislature, District 19, Position 2 %

Jimi O'Hagan R 817 39.52%

Brian E. Blake D 1,130 60.48%

State Senator, District 19 State %

Dean Takko D 1,120 56.97%

Sue Kuehl Pederson Ind. GOP 845 43.03%

US Senator State %

Chris Vance R 1,016 39.22%

Patty Murray D 980 60.78%

US House of Representatives, District 3 %

Jim Moeller D 706 41.17%

Jaime Herrera Beutler R 1,279 58.83%

Governor State %

Jay Inslee D 819 56.29%

Bill Bryant R 1,190 43.71%

Lieutenant Governor State %

Mary McClendon R 1,128 44.22%

Cyrus Habib D 755 55.78%

Secretary of State State %

Tina Podlodowski D 677 46.84%

Kim Wyman R 1,207 53.16%

State Treasurer State %

Duane Davidson R 844 58.66%

Michael Waite R 734 41.34%

State Auditor State %

Mark Miloscia R 1,056 46%

Patrice McCarthy D 770 54%

State Attorney General State %

Bob Ferguson D 1,032 69.21%

Joshua B. Turnbull L 722 30.79%

Commissioner of Public Lands State %

Steve McLaughlin R 1,156 45.13%

Hilary Franz D 707 54.87%

Superintendent of Public Instruction St. %

Erin Jones NP 637 49.57%

Chris Reykdal NP 922 51.15%

Insurance Commissioner State %

Mike Kriedler D 803 60%

Richard Schrock R 1,008 40%

St. Court of Appeals State %

Jill M.Johanson 1,295 100%

St. Supreme Court Justice 1 State %

Mary Yu NP 677 58.85%

David DeWolf NP 922 41.15%

St. Supreme Court Justice 5 State %

Barbara Madsen NP 871 64%

Greg Zempel NP 700 36%

St. Supreme Court Justice 6 %

Charles Wiggins NP 826 59%

Dave Larson NP 721 41%

Insurance Commissioner %

Mike Kriedler D 803 52.48%

Richard Schrock R 1,008 47.52%

Init. 1433 Minimum Wage State %

Yes 955 59.44%

No 1,025 40.56%

Init. 1464 Campaign Finance State %

Yes 651 47.41%

No 1,238 52.59%

Init. 1491 Extreme Risk Firearm State %

Yes 1,008 71.14%

No 1,002 28.86%

Init. 1501 Seniors & The Vulnerable State %

Yes 1,396 71.56%

No 583 28.44%

Init. 732 Carbon Emission Tax State %

Yes 514 41.43%

No 1,396 58.57%

Init. 735 Constitutional Ammendment St. %

Yes 1,070 63.79%

No 822 36.21%

Advisory 14 Family Dental Premium Tax St. %

Repeal 1,522 68.49%

Maintained 334 31.51%

Advisory 15 Clean Fuel Vehicles State %

Repeal 1,389 59.74%

Maintained 471 40.26%

SJR 8210 State Redistricting State %

Approve 1,207 77.73%

Reject 576 22.27%


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