Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Island resident asks for return of sign

To The Eagle:

This is to those who stole the 4x8 Trump sign on Puget Island. You showed your true mentality. As much as I detest the platform of the Democratic party, I would never lower myself to thievery. How are you going to act and govern if your party should get elected to the highest office in the land? This country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. Do you understand what would happen if these principles should fall by the wayside? Our constitution would be in shambles. The country would no longer be the envy of the world. There has never been a country like this with all its freedoms and joys. Yes, things like stealing a sign lead to devastating endings. We will forgive you, but please, these signs are expensive and do represent the views of a major part of our fine country. Return it to its original position so we can put it back up. Let’s show respect for each other.

A brother countryman,

Len Lindsley

Puget Island


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