Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Backman has experience necessary for the job

To The Eagle:

I strongly encourage voters to reelect Mike Backman for County Commissioner District #1 in the election on November 8.

With a job as demanding as commissioner, there is a steep learning curve to be addressed before one can be effective. Mike has passed that. He listens to his constituents, does his research and acts as he thinks best for both his constituents and for the county.

Besides serving on various boards, Mike has spent time and effort as an advocate for the fair. He has spent hours volunteering at the fair grounds working, and has organized and helped with fund raisers to keep the fair going. With Mike’s perseverance, the fair as we have known it, would not have survived.

Another of Mike’s special passions is contributing to the local food banks through a program called Planned Protein. He has donated fish, beef, and pork as necessary, so that protein is also included for people using the food banks.

Both Mike and his opponent are capable men, but Mike has the job training, and has sincerely worked to make our community a better place in so many ways. I heartily endorse Mike, and encourage voters to vote for Mike Backman on November 8. I will!


Jacquelyn Ostervold

Puget Island


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